Notice concerning collection, processing and use of personal data


Texas Instruments Incorporated, 12500 TI Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75243, USA and its subsidiaries and affiliates (together, “TI”) care about your privacy and the protection of your personal data. To review TI’s Privacy Policy to understand how we manage your data while on, please click here.

TI has implemented a web-based system for the management of recruitment processes which enables you to create a profile and apply for a job at TI online (the “System”). This “Notice Concerning Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data” (“Notice”) informs you how TI will collect, process, transfer and use personally identified or identifiable information about you (your “personal data”) in connection with your profile. Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries and affiliates with access to your personal data will act as data controllers, and are listed here.

For purposes of EU data protection laws, Texas Instruments Incorporated and TI EMEA Sales GmbH, Haggertystrasse No. 1, 85356 Freising, Germany, are joint controllers for TI sites.

For purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), TI policy and practice is to not sell Personal Data to third parties and will not discriminate against any user for exercising rights under the CCPA. To view TI’s Privacy Notice for California employees, please click here.

1. Data categories

The processing may involve the following data categories: (a) “basic information”, such as your name, address, phone number, country; (b) information about the job you applied for (e.g., position, scope of work, work location, salary); (c) your CV and resume; (d) job data about your prior work experience and employment (e.g., company, location, department, position, function, employee class, grade and entry date, employment agreement, business title, full or part-time, shifts, working hours); (e) information about your professional education and training (e.g., education level, degrees or certificates); and (f) other information as required in the online application form or to extend an offer of employment to you. However, TI will not require you to submit specific personal data if this is in breach of applicable law.

2. Collection and entry of your personal data

Your personal data may be collected and entered into the System in different ways. To create your profile or make an application via the System, you have to register. After successful registration, you may store your CV, resume and any other personal data described under (1) above in the System.

In addition, your personal data may be collected and entered into the System by (a) human resources (“HR”) or other authorized personnel at TI (hiring managers, recruiters, staffing administrators, supervisors), as well as (b) external agencies that may be retained by you or by TI.

3. Processing purposes

Your personal data may be processed worldwide by TI for managing your application and recruitment and human resources activities as well as hiring tasks worldwide. TI will use your personal data (a) to register and maintain your profile, (b) to process and review your application, (c) to analyze whether your profile is potentially suitable for the position for which you applied, (d) to consider you for other appropriate employment opportunities at TI which may arise now or in the future, (e) to contact you and potentially offer you employment as part of the application and recruitment process, (f) for the purpose of staffing and requisition management, (g) other purposes relating to your application or its processing, and/or (h) in the case that you become employed by TI, for purposes related to your employment.

4. Access to your personal data

For the purposes stated under (3), your personal data may be accessed and used worldwide by authorized persons involved in the staffing and recruiting process, namely: (a) TI HR and other personnel authorized by TI who act in a staffing/recruiting capacity, (b) a limited number of IT support personnel authorized by TI, (c) hiring and recruitment agencies that are under obligation to comply with applicable data protection laws, and (d) third party service providers engaged by TI.

As a result, your personal data is transferred to and/or accessible by TI in countries within and outside of the European Economic Area where the level of data protection may not be as high as in your home country.

5. Storage of your personal data

Subject to paragraph 3 of this Section 5, if your physical address is outside of the United States, your personal data will be stored as follows: (i) if your physical address is in a country within the European Economic Area, for a period of 1 (one) year from the last date of your activity related to your profile; (ii) if your physical address is in any other country outside of the United States, for a period of 3 (three) years from the last date of your activity related to your profile; or (iii) regardless of the location of your physical address, if you apply for a job opening within the United States, your personal data will be stored for a period of 3 (three) years after the requisition for that job opening is closed.

Subject to paragraph 3 of this Section 5, if your physical address is in the United States, your personal data will be stored for the longer of: (i) a period of 3 (three) years from the last date of activity related to your profile, either by you or by TI’s staffing personnel; or (ii) if your profile is associated with a requisition for a job opening in the United States, a period of 3 (three) years after the requisition for that job opening is closed.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, your data may be stored and used for longer periods (i) as necessary to meet TI’s legal obligations under applicable law (in this case, TI may have to retain your data even if you withdraw your consent), (ii) if you become employed by TI, as necessary for purposes related to your employment, or (iii) in case you consent to such longer storage and use.

6. Data protection and security

As your privacy is highly regarded at TI, TI processes your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. In addition, TI, and all TI employees that have access to your personal data, maintain the security and confidentiality of your personal data as well as appropriate technical, organizational, and physical measures to protect your data, in particular against accidental, unauthorized or unlawful destruction or loss, alteration and disclosure.

7. Third party service provider

TI may retain third party service providers as “data processors” for TI to host the System or provide related services. This means that they will process your personal data only as instructed by TI.

TI currently retains the following third party service providers (“Third Party Providers”):

  1. Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA to host the System in the USA and to provide related services; and
  2. SmashFly Technologies, Inc. (subsidiary of Symphony Talent, LLC), 50 Beharrell Street, Suite 1, Concord, MA 01742, USA.

Therefore, TI will transfer your personal data to the Third Party Providers and your data will be stored in the USA, where legislation may not provide a level of data protection as high as in your home country.

TI and the Third Party Providers have agreed on contractual obligations to adequately protect your personal data. The Third Party Providers are “data processors” for TI.

8. Your rights

It is in TI’s and your common interest that your personal data remains accurate. Therefore, you may at any time, and free of charge, review the personal data you provided to TI in connection with your profile or application for a job, and change or remove certain information where provided for in the System. In addition, you may also contact TI if you wish to change or remove your data, or withdraw any consent to the processing of your data. To the extent you request removal or withdraw consent, TI will remove your data and take necessary measures to ensure your data would not be used for any purpose, except as necessary to meet TI’s legal obligations under applicable law.

Nothing in this Notice shall limit, and you may at any time exercise, any rights you may have under applicable law with respect to access to and correction, erasure and blocking of your personal data. If you wish to exercise the above rights, or have any question regarding the processing of your personal data by TI, you may send an e-mail to

9. Notice of transfer business

In the instance TI transfers all or part of a TI business in which you have applied for employment, TI will give you notice of the following information: (a) the fact that TI transfers all or part of its business; (b) the name, address, phone number and other contact information of the person/entity that succeeds TI’s rights and obligations; and (c) the method of and procedure for withdrawing your consent to the transfer of your personal data.

שימוש בנתונים האישיים שלי

בקשר ליצירת הפרופיל שלי ו/או בקשר לבקשתי להתקבל לעבודה אצל טקסס אינסטרומנטס או אצל חברת בת של טקסס אינסטרומנטס(להלן, ביחד – “”טקסס אינסטרומנטס””), טקסס אינסטרומנטס צריכה לאסוף לעבד, להשתמש, להעביר ולאחסן נתונים אישיים מסוימים שלי. הפרטים מתוארים ב””הודעה בנוגע לאיסוף, עיבוד ושימוש בנתונים אישיים””, אשר מצורפת כאן להלן – “”הודעה



ׁעל ידי לחיצה על הלחצן “”מסכים””, אני מאשר כי קראתי והבנתי את ההודעה וכי אני מסכים לאיסוף, עיבוד, שימוש והעברה (לרבות, אך מבלי לגרוע העברה למדינות/תחומי שיפוט אחרים ולצדדים שלישיים אחרים), אחסון וגילוי של הנתונים האישיים שלי כפי שמפורט בהודעה. אני מודע לכך כי יש לי את כל הזכויות כפי שמפורט בהודעה. ידוע לי כי במידה ואני נרשם במערכת או מגיש מידע מטעם אדם אחר, אזי אני יוצר בזאת מצג כי אני מורשה לעשות כן

לא מסכים


Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie się firmą Texas Instruments (TI). W celu przetwarzania wniosku oraz profili potencjalnych kandydatów, TI zaimplementował system zarządzania rekrutacją oparty o rozwiązania sieciowe, który umożliwia kandydatowi stworzenie profilu oraz ubieganie się o pracę w TI w trybie ONLINE. Załączone „Warunki zbierania i przetwarzania danych prywatnych” zawierają informację, w jaki sposób TI będzie zbierał, przetwarzał i używał udostępnionych danych personalnych. W zgodzie z mającymi zastosowanie w Polsce prawami zachowania bezpieczeństwa danych, bardzo prosimy o wydrukowanie „Warunków” w języku Polskim i ich podpisanie w celu wyrażenia zgody na przetwarzanie danych. Prosimy o odesłanie podpisanego dokumentu w przeciągu 15 dni od jego podpisania w jeden z podanych sposobów:

Pocztą: Texas Instruments CZ, s.r.o., Hvezdova 1716/2b, 140 78, Praha 4, Ceska republika
Faksem Numer telefonu: + 420 242430 333
Przesłać na adres emailowy zeskanowany podpisany dokument
Informujemy, że jeśli nie otrzymamy podpisanego dokumentu, nie będziemy mogli rozważać Państwa, jako potencjalnego kandydata co spowoduje usunięcie danych personalnych z bazy danych naszego systemu rekrutacyjnego.


În vederea creării profilului meu şi/sau în legătură cu solicitarea mea de angajare la Texas Instruments Incorporated ori la o sucursală a Texas Instruments Incorporated (denumite împreună, “TI”), TI va colecta, prelucra, utiliza, transfera sau stoca anumite date personale ale mele. Detalii sunt oferite în “Nota privind colectarea, prelucrarea şi utilizarea datelor personale” care vă este pusă la dispoziţie de către TI ca parte din consimţământul de mai jos precum şi la această adresă (“”Notă”).


Prin semnătura de mai jos, certific prin prezenta că am citit şi înţeleg Notă. şi că sunt de acord cu colectarea, prelucrarea, utilizarea, transferul (inclusiv, fară a se limita la, transferul către alte ţări/ jurisdicţii şi terţe părţi), stocarea şi divulgarea datelor mele personale, conform Notei. Înţeleg faptul că am toate drepturile prevăzute în Notă. Dacă voi înregistra sau transmite informaţii în numele unei alte persoane, prin prezenta confirm că am autorizarea necesară pentru a face aceste lucruri.

Apăsând butonul „Accept”, înţeleg faptul că am toate drepturile prevăzute în Notă şi că pot retrage oricând prezentul consimţământ în conformitate cu Secţiunea 8 din Notă


Благодарим Вас за интерес, проявленный к компании Texas
Instruments (TI). Для того, чтобы обрабатывать заявки и
персональную информацию от потенциальных кандидатов, Т. И.
внедрила интернет-систему по найму сотрудников,
позволяющую Вам создать профайл и подать онлайн заявку на работу
в TI. В высланной в приложении “”Заметке о сборе,
обработке и использовании персональных данных “” Вы узнаете,
как TI будет собирать и использовать Вашу личную информацию
в этом контексте. В соответствии с действующим
законодательством по защите персональных данных в вашей стране,
мы просим Вас распечатать и подписать форму на русском
языке для выражения Вашего согласия, и вернуть
подписанную форму в течение 15 дней одним из следующих
· по почте по адресу: Texas Instruments CZ, s.r.o., Hvezdova 1716/2b, 140 78, Praha 4, Ceska republika
· по факсу на номер: + 420 242430 333 или
· отсканировав подписанную форму и выслав по электронной почте на адрес:

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что если мы не получим подписанный
документ, мы не сможем рассматривать Вас как потенциального
кандидата и удалим Ваши персональные данные из нашей
базы данных по найму сотрудников.

С уважением,
Персонал Тексас Инструментс


如您通过转到该网页申请职位,则德州仪器半导体技术(上海)有限公司(“TI Semi”)将依据本Notice对您的个人信息予以收集、处理、传输和使用。同时,请您知晓为实现本Notice Section 3 之目的,TI Semi将会向其关联公司主要是境外的母公司德州仪器公司分享您的个人信息。 TI的关联公司将仅为了该目的而使用和处理您的个人信息。所分享的个人信息为本Notice Section 1 所列举的信息。您可以随时且免费查看您向我们提供的个人资料或岗位申请信息,也可以改变或删除系统中已提供的信息。此外,如果您希望更改、删除、获得个人信息副本或撤销处理信息的授权,或对TI Semi或其关联公司处理您的个人信息有任何疑问,可以发送电子邮件至