JAJU643A November   2018  – March 2020


  1.   改訂履歴

Project Structure

Figure 9 shows the general structure of the project.

The solution-specific and device-independent files are <solution >.c/h, where <solution > is "ILPFC_valley_switching". These files consist of the main.c file of the project and are responsible for the control structure of the solution.

The board-specific and device-specific files are <solution >_board.c/h and, again, <solution > is "ILPFC_valley_switching". These files consists of device-specific drivers to run the solution.

The <solution_clatask.cla> file includes the CLA Task definitions.

The powerSUITE page can be opened by clicking on the main.syscfg file, listed under the Project Explorer (see Figure 9). The powerSUITE page generates the <solution >_settings.h file. This file is the only file used in the compile of the project that is generated by the powerSUITE page. The user must not modify the content above user section in this file manually, as the changes will be overwritten by the powerSUITE every time the project is saved. The user also need to rebuild the whole project to change the <solution >_settings.h file. For <solution >_user_ settings.h, user can open it directly and modify it.

The "Kit.xml" and "solution.js" files are used internally by the powerSUITE and must also not be modified by the user. Any changes to these files will result in the project not functioning properly.

Figure 9. Project StructureTIDM-1022 tidm-1022-project-files-list-photograph.png