JAJU643A November   2018  – March 2020


  1.   改訂履歴

Device Initialization, Main, and ISR Files

  1. In the Project window, on the left, click the plus sign (+) to the left of "Project".
  2. Open the main.syscfg file by double-clicking on the filename in the Project window.
  3. Under Project Options, select Open Loop as the INCR_BUILD option (see Figure 11).
  4. Check the project options to make sure that 2-phase interleaved PFC is selected and that the valley switching option is automatically set to valley switching disabled.
    This helps verify that the ADC and PWM driver modules are under normal interleaved PFC.
    Save the main.syscfg file. Rebuild the whole project to make the change valid if any changes are needed.
  5. Open and inspect the ILPFC_valley_switching.c file.
    Notice the call made to the setupDevice() function and other initialization functions like InitPwms(), setupADC(), and so on. Also notice code for the ISRs and the background loop.
    Close the file, do not Save.
  6. Open and inspect ILPFC_valley_switching.h file.
    Notice the code for different incremental build options inside the pfcControlCode() specifically, Build 1. Close the file, do not Save.
Figure 11. powerSUITE Page Under Build 1 Without Valley Switching TIDM-1022 tidm-1022-gui-build-1pt1-sysconfig-TIDUEG3.png