TI HealthTech eNews
Texas Instruments
Health Fitness Imaging
  1Q 2013 
Welcome to TI HealthTech eNews. This newsletter is replacing TI Medical e-News. Below you will find news and information around the latest semiconductor components for healthcare applications. To manage your newsletter subscriptions click here. For further information on TI HealthTech, please visit www.ti.com/healthtech.
Featured Products
TI's AFE44xx family integrates all the front end components and the associated timing control circuitry of a typical photometry solution such as Pulse Ox. By incorporating fully programmable transmitter and receiver circuits into one device, the AFE44xx family requires less design time, less board space and less in-house analog design expertise compared to discrete solutions. Available in the AFE44xx family are the AFE4490 – targeted at clinical applications, and the AFE4400 – targeted for home health applications.

» Learn more, download datasheet, and order samples at https://www.ti.com/afe4400

TI's ADS1293 is an integrated three-channel analog front end for biopotential measurements that provides very low power consumption with low noise. This device incorporates all features commonly required in portable, low-power medical electrocardiogram (ECG), sports, and fitness applications. With high levels of integration and exceptional performance, the ADS1293 enables the creation of scalable medical instrumentation systems at significantly reduced size, power and overall cost.

» Learn more, download datasheet, sample and order EVM at www.ti.com/ads1293.

The 8-channel, 24-bit ADS1299 is the industry's lowest-noise EEG AFE for non-invasive brain wave monitoring. The ADS1299 was designed for manufacturers of extra-cranial biopotential measurement equipment wanting to reduce board space, design time and cost while improving performance.

» Learn more, download datasheet, sample, and order EVM at www.ti.com/ads1299

The bq2026 is a 1.5K-bit serial EPROM containing a factory-programmed, unique 48-bit identification number, 8-bit family code, and a 64-bit status register. Low cost and ideal for authentication of non-counterfeit sensors and cables or asset tracking.
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The AFE4300 is an easy to use, precision, low power front end solution for adding body composition measurements to weigh scales. Two separate signal chains, one targeting weight measurement and the other targeting body composition analysis with a 16 bit, 860sps ADC multiplexed between both.

It Includes two body composition measurement (BCM) channels enabling segmental body impedance analysis (BIA). On the body composition signal chain, tetra-polar measurements reduce electrode impedance related inaccuracies. Options to accurately measure Extra Cellular Water (ECW) and Intra Cellular Water (ICW). less than 1mA supply current and operates from 2V to 3.6V supply.

» Learn more, download datasheet, sample, and order EVM at www.ti.com/AFE4300
Featured Selection & Application Resources
Product Description Package/Pins Samples EVM/Tool
AFE4400 Integrated AFE for photometry QFN|40 Order here EVM coming soon
ADS1293 Low Power, 3-Channel, 24-Bit AFE for Biopotential Measurements WQFN (RSG) | 28 Order here EVM available
ADS1299 Worlds Lowest Noise AFE for ECG TQFP/64 Order here EVM available
AFE4300 Weigh Scale/Body Composition Front End LQFP/80 Order here EVM available
BQ2026 1.5K-bit serial EPROM for Authentication SOT23/3, TO92/3 Order here EVM available
Other Resources
» Medical Imaging Application Guide
» Consumer Medical Applications Guide
» Diagnostics, Patient Monitoring, and Therapy Applications Guide
» ECG & EEG Quick Reference Guide

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