Technische Schulung zum Batteriemanagementsystem 2020
Dies ist eine On-Demand-Fassung der Technischen Schulung zum Thema „Batterie-Management – Deep Dive“, die am 13. und 14. Oktober 2020 stattfand. Diese Technische Schulung wurde speziell für Entwicklungsingenieure entwickelt, die sich mit der Stromversorgung von batteriebetriebenen Anwendungen befassen. Alle Präsentationen und F&A-Sitzungen wurden aufgezeichnet, und Sie können diese wahlweise online ansehen oder herunterladen.
Industrial system trends and opportunities for BMS
Industry trends (2)
Monitors track (5)
Cell balancing considerations for industrial and automotive applications
00:47:08Design considerations for high-cell-count battery packs in industrial applications
00:44:58How to stack non-automotive protectors and monitors in high cell count applications
00:42:03Design considerations for 48-V batteries in hybrid and electric vehicles
00:47:04Comparing wired vs. wireless solutions in automotive battery management systems
00:47:28Chargers track (5)
Battery charger design considerations for wearables and true wireless stereo (TWS)
00:42:43Combining buck-boost and USB Type C™ power delivery for maximum power density
00:51:09Key battery charger features to improve the user experience
00:46:14Choosing the right battery charger topology for low power applications
00:36:35Achieving simple, safe and efficient charging
00:45:26Gauges track (5)
Battery management for pulsed load applications
00:46:57Fundamentals of battery gauging algorithm
00:45:48How to automate the gauge learning cycle and basic functions to save R&D time
00:52:36Gauge configuration featuring Impedance Track™ technology for applications with dynamic loads
00:46:29Introduction to BQStudio and TI tool chain for gauge evaluation
00:46:54Technische Schulung zum Batteriemanagementsystem 2020
Industry trends (2)
Monitors track (5)
Cell balancing considerations for industrial and automotive applications
00:47:08Design considerations for high-cell-count battery packs in industrial applications
00:44:58How to stack non-automotive protectors and monitors in high cell count applications
00:42:03Design considerations for 48-V batteries in hybrid and electric vehicles
00:47:04Comparing wired vs. wireless solutions in automotive battery management systems
00:47:28Chargers track (5)
Battery charger design considerations for wearables and true wireless stereo (TWS)
00:42:43Combining buck-boost and USB Type C™ power delivery for maximum power density
00:51:09Key battery charger features to improve the user experience
00:46:14Choosing the right battery charger topology for low power applications
00:36:35Achieving simple, safe and efficient charging
00:45:26Gauges track (5)
Battery management for pulsed load applications
00:46:57Fundamentals of battery gauging algorithm
00:45:48How to automate the gauge learning cycle and basic functions to save R&D time
00:52:36Gauge configuration featuring Impedance Track™ technology for applications with dynamic loads
00:46:29Introduction to BQStudio and TI tool chain for gauge evaluation