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The benefits of 650-V GaN FETs for 800-V power converters
High voltage seminar 2021 (13)
The benefits of 650-V GaN FETs for 800-V power converters
00:35:53Troubleshooting gate drive circuits in automotive and industrial applications
01:16:11GaN FETs: High power density and efficiency in PFC designs
00:44:01Achieving high power density and ultra low standby power in flyback converters
00:54:03GaN demystified – Frequently asked questions
00:47:06Isolated gate driver 101: From insulation spec to end equipment requirement
01:00:59A simple, robust, and low-EMI solution for inverter gate-driver bias supplies
01:00:23PCB layout guidelines to optimize power supply performance
01:00:07Introduction to EMI in power supply designs
01:01:21Protecting power devices in electric vehicle applications
01:02:42Driving SiC MOSFETs in auxiliary power supplies
01:01:06Implementation of wide output LLC in power tool charging and LED lighting applications
01:01:15Getting started with programming a functional safety compliant gate drivers
00:50:56High volt interactive 2019 (9)
Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them
00:12:20Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them Part 2
00:10:466.6kW Bi-directional On-Board Charger (OBC): Introduction and Overview
00:13:386.6kW Bi-directional OBC_CLLLC Resonant DAB Converter
00:19:24How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works – Capacitive Structure
00:06:16How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works –Reliability Testing
00:09:48How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works –Surge Testing
00:07:56How to drive SiC MOSFET…. The right way !!
00:29:45Abwägungen in Bezug auf die Architektur und Topologie isolierter Bias-Stromversorgungen für HEV/EVS
00:28:36High volt interactive 2018 (20)
PCB layout for SMPS - Part 1 of 2
00:19:14PCB layout for SMPS - Part 2 of 2
00:11:53Gate Driver Design - from Basics to Details
00:24:51Choosing the right PFC topology: 100W to several kW
00:27:37Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them
00:12:20Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them Part 2
00:10:46Have Your Cake and Eat It Too - Slash your standby power and system cost
00:13:38Introduction to EMI in power supply designs: sources, measurements and mitigation methods
00:23:56Resolving high voltage gate driver challenges in wide VIN_VOUT converters
00:22:27When can synchronous rectification increase efficiency?
00:29:36Advanced gate drivers for HEV/EV traction inverters
00:31:37Design considerations of high power density and high efficiency adapters - Part 1 of 2
00:14:59Design considerations of high power density and high efficiency adapters - Part 2 of 2
00:12:39How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works – Capacitive Structure
00:06:16Maximizing efficiency of your LLC power stage
00:28:57Demystifying active-clamp flyback loop compensation
00:32:26Phase Shifted Full Bridge vs Full Bridge LLC
00:18:57How to protect SiC MOSFETs the best way!
00:20:25Designing Reliable and High Density Power Solutions with GaN - p1
00:09:21Designing Reliable and High Density Power Solutions with GaN - p2
00:09:07High volt interactive 2017 (27)
Mastering the Art and Fundamentals of High Voltage Gate Driver Design
00:26:08Power Loss and Thermal Considerations for Gate Drivers
00:15:29Implementation and Design Considerations of High Voltage Gate Drivers
00:14:41High Side Bias Supply Challenges and Solutions in Halfbridge Gate Drivers
00:25:24Mastering the Isolated Gate Driver Robustness – A Deep Dive of CMTI
00:19:24PFC for not dummies
00:22:43A new way to PFC and an even better way to LLC
00:16:08Multiple Output Flybacks: How to Improve Cross Regulation
00:12:19A design review of an offline two-switch flyback topology
00:31:45The Active Clamp Flyback: Part 1
00:29:02The Active Clamp Flyback: Part 2
00:28:14Hysteresis loss in high voltage MOSFETs: Findings and effects for high frequency AC-DC converters
00:13:40When to Consider General Purpose PWM controllers
00:20:25Very high voltage AC-DC power: From 3-phase to single phase offline bias supplies
00:13:28The “No-Neutral Wire” application in smart-buildings and Home Automation
00:23:09Designing multi-kW power supply systems
00:35:49High Voltage Solutions in HEV/EV Part I - On Board Chargers and Charging Stations
00:37:35High Voltage Solutions in HEV/EV Part II - DC/DC Converters and Traction Inverters
00:24:21Design considerations for USB Type-C™ power delivery
00:20:41Modern LED Lighting Systems
00:23:55High Density DC-DC Power Module Design with Embedded Planar Transformer
00:29:55How to drive SiC MOSFET…. The right way !!
00:29:45Designing a 99% Efficient Totem Pole PFC with GaN
00:29:11GaN: the path to high power density
00:24:21Selecting the Optimal Topology
00:28:00Power supply design and layout optimization: minimizing EMI and instability
00:39:17Accelerating Design with Tools for High Voltage
High voltage seminar 2021 (13)
The benefits of 650-V GaN FETs for 800-V power converters
00:35:53Troubleshooting gate drive circuits in automotive and industrial applications
01:16:11GaN FETs: High power density and efficiency in PFC designs
00:44:01Achieving high power density and ultra low standby power in flyback converters
00:54:03GaN demystified – Frequently asked questions
00:47:06Isolated gate driver 101: From insulation spec to end equipment requirement
01:00:59A simple, robust, and low-EMI solution for inverter gate-driver bias supplies
01:00:23PCB layout guidelines to optimize power supply performance
01:00:07Introduction to EMI in power supply designs
01:01:21Protecting power devices in electric vehicle applications
01:02:42Driving SiC MOSFETs in auxiliary power supplies
01:01:06Implementation of wide output LLC in power tool charging and LED lighting applications
01:01:15Getting started with programming a functional safety compliant gate drivers
00:50:56High volt interactive 2019 (9)
Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them
00:12:20Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them Part 2
00:10:466.6kW Bi-directional On-Board Charger (OBC): Introduction and Overview
00:13:386.6kW Bi-directional OBC_CLLLC Resonant DAB Converter
00:19:24How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works – Capacitive Structure
00:06:16How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works –Reliability Testing
00:09:48How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works –Surge Testing
00:07:56How to drive SiC MOSFET…. The right way !!
00:29:45Abwägungen in Bezug auf die Architektur und Topologie isolierter Bias-Stromversorgungen für HEV/EVS
00:28:36High volt interactive 2018 (20)
PCB layout for SMPS - Part 1 of 2
00:19:14PCB layout for SMPS - Part 2 of 2
00:11:53Gate Driver Design - from Basics to Details
00:24:51Choosing the right PFC topology: 100W to several kW
00:27:37Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them
00:12:20Top gate driver pitfalls and how to address them Part 2
00:10:46Have Your Cake and Eat It Too - Slash your standby power and system cost
00:13:38Introduction to EMI in power supply designs: sources, measurements and mitigation methods
00:23:56Resolving high voltage gate driver challenges in wide VIN_VOUT converters
00:22:27When can synchronous rectification increase efficiency?
00:29:36Advanced gate drivers for HEV/EV traction inverters
00:31:37Design considerations of high power density and high efficiency adapters - Part 1 of 2
00:14:59Design considerations of high power density and high efficiency adapters - Part 2 of 2
00:12:39How High-Voltage Isolation Technology Works – Capacitive Structure
00:06:16Maximizing efficiency of your LLC power stage
00:28:57Demystifying active-clamp flyback loop compensation
00:32:26Phase Shifted Full Bridge vs Full Bridge LLC
00:18:57How to protect SiC MOSFETs the best way!
00:20:25Designing Reliable and High Density Power Solutions with GaN - p1
00:09:21Designing Reliable and High Density Power Solutions with GaN - p2
00:09:07High volt interactive 2017 (27)
Mastering the Art and Fundamentals of High Voltage Gate Driver Design
00:26:08Power Loss and Thermal Considerations for Gate Drivers
00:15:29Implementation and Design Considerations of High Voltage Gate Drivers
00:14:41High Side Bias Supply Challenges and Solutions in Halfbridge Gate Drivers
00:25:24Mastering the Isolated Gate Driver Robustness – A Deep Dive of CMTI
00:19:24PFC for not dummies
00:22:43A new way to PFC and an even better way to LLC
00:16:08Multiple Output Flybacks: How to Improve Cross Regulation
00:12:19A design review of an offline two-switch flyback topology
00:31:45The Active Clamp Flyback: Part 1
00:29:02The Active Clamp Flyback: Part 2
00:28:14Hysteresis loss in high voltage MOSFETs: Findings and effects for high frequency AC-DC converters
00:13:40When to Consider General Purpose PWM controllers
00:20:25Very high voltage AC-DC power: From 3-phase to single phase offline bias supplies
00:13:28The “No-Neutral Wire” application in smart-buildings and Home Automation
00:23:09Designing multi-kW power supply systems
00:35:49High Voltage Solutions in HEV/EV Part I - On Board Chargers and Charging Stations
00:37:35High Voltage Solutions in HEV/EV Part II - DC/DC Converters and Traction Inverters
00:24:21Design considerations for USB Type-C™ power delivery
00:20:41Modern LED Lighting Systems
00:23:55High Density DC-DC Power Module Design with Embedded Planar Transformer
00:29:55How to drive SiC MOSFET…. The right way !!
00:29:45Designing a 99% Efficient Totem Pole PFC with GaN
00:29:11GaN: the path to high power density
00:24:21Selecting the Optimal Topology
00:28:00Power supply design and layout optimization: minimizing EMI and instability
00:39:17Accelerating Design with Tools for High Voltage