Moisture sensitivity level search
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Search Results : "Am62a7"
Part number | Site | Code | Moisture sensitivity level(s) |
AM62A74AUMHAAMB | External Manufacturer | 2512 | Level-3-250C-168 HR |
AM62A74AUMHAAMB | External Manufacturer | 2614 | Level-3-250C-168 HR |
Definition of Table Terminology MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level): is a JEDEC industry standard classification that defines the length of time products can be safely exposed to the ambient environment prior to high-temperature reflow soldering.
Site: The package assembly location.
Code: TI reference number (internal use only).
NA: Not Applicable
TBD: To be Determined
All Sites: Applies to all sites unless noted otherwise.
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Plastic encapsulated TI semiconductor devices are not designed and are not warranted to be suitable for use in some military applications and/or military environments. Use of plastic encapsulated TI semiconductor devices in military applications and/or military environments, in lieu of hermetically sealed ceramic devices, is understood to be fully at the risk of the buyer.
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TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customer should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.
Quality and reliability data provided by Texas Instruments is intended to be an estimate of product performance based upon history only. It does not imply that any performance levels reflected in such data can be met if the product is operated outside the conditions expressly stated in the latest published data sheet for a device.
Reliability data shows characteristic failure mechanisms of the specific environmental stress as documented in the industry standards for each stress condition.