MSP-EXP430FR2433 MSP430FR2433 LaunchPad™ development kit angled board image


MSP430FR2433 LaunchPad™ development kit


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Features for the MSP-EXP430FR2433

  • ULP FRAM technology based MSP430FR2433 16-bit MCU
  • EnergyTrace™ Technology available for ultra-low-power debugging
  • 20-pin LaunchPad kit standard leveraging the BoosterPack ecosystem
  • On-board eZ-FET debug probe
  • 2 buttons and 2 LEDs for user interaction

Description for the MSP-EXP430FR2433

The MSP-EXP430FR2433 LaunchPad™ development kit is an easy-to-use evaluation module (EVM) based on the MSP430FR2433 value line sensing microcontroller (MCU). It contains what is needed to start developing with the ultra-low-power MSP430FR2x value line sensing MCU platform, including onboard debug probe for programming, debugging, and energy measurements. The board includes two buttons and two LEDs for creating a simple user interface. It also supports using a supercapacitor (must be purchased and installed by the user) that acts as a rechargeable battery, enabling stand-alone applications without an external power supply.


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