CC31XXEMUBOOST Advanced Emulation BoosterPack for SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3100 BoosterPack plug-in module angled board image


Erweitertes Emulationskit für SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi ® CC31xx BoosterPack™-Steckmodul


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Merkmale von CC31XXEMUBOOST

  • FTDI debug support
  • Enables enumeration SPI & GPIO for SimpleLink Studio for CC31xx
  • Enumerates COM port for flashing
  • Enables network processor logger output (TX only)
  • 2 USB ports
  • BoosterPack headers


Beschreibung von CC31XXEMUBOOST

This advanced emulation BoosterPack™ plug-in module is an accessory for the SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC31xx wireless network processor BoosterPack plug-in modules

This accessory can be used for:

  1. Flashing updates to the CC31xxBOOST
  2. Using the CC3xxx radio tool for RF performance evaluation
  3. Using SimpleLink™ Studio for CC31xx for MCU software development – PC tool, documents and example applications can be found in the CC3100 software development kit (SDK)

This kit can be purchased in three configurations:

  1. CC3120-EMUBOOST-MSP432LP: run all software in the CC3120 software development kit (SDK) and develop on MSP432 MCU
  2. CC3120-CC31XXEMUBOOST:  used for any CC3120 development
  3. CC3120MOD-EMUBOOST: used for any CC3120MOD development
  4. CC3120MOD-EMU-MSP432: use for any CC3120MOD development with MSP432 MCU
  5. CC3100BOOST + CC31XXEMUBOOST + MSP-EXP430F5529LP: run all software in the CC3100 SDK and develop on the MSP430F5529 MCU
  6. CC3100BOOST + CC31XXEMUBOOST: used for any CC3100 development
  7. CC31XXEMUBOOST: standalone kit for development separate from the CC31xx BoosterPack

The SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC31xx solutions provide the flexibility to add Wi-Fi to any microcontroller (MCU). This Internet-on-a-chip™ solution contains all you need to easily create IoT solutions – security, quick connection, cloud support, publicly available documentation, E2E support forums and more. For more information on CC31xx, visit



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