LEDMCUEVM-132 MSP432E401Y MCU communications board for LED evaluation modules angled board image


MSP432E401Y MCU-Kommsplatine für LED Evaluierungsmodule


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Merkmale von LEDMCUEVM-132

  • SPI communications that supports up to 6 devices on the bus
  • UART communications to work with LMM products
  • CAN transceivers for both UART communications and CAN protocol communications
  • 4 dedicated PWM signals for PWM dimming
  • Multiple GPIOs to support specialized features
  • Digital Isolators for all MSP432 signals for protection
  • Isolated 5-V supply

Beschreibung von LEDMCUEVM-132

The LEDMCUEVM-132 implements SPI communications that support multiple devices on the bus, UART communications for the LMMs family of devices, CAN transceiver for UART to control LMM family of devices, 4 PWM signals for dimming, multiple IOs, isolated 5-V supply, digital isolators, and a standard CAN bus with a transceiver.


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