TUSB1002AEVM Linearer Dual-Channel-Redriver für USB 3.1 10 Gbit/s. angled board image


Linearer Dual-Channel-Redriver für USB 3.1 10 Gbit/s.


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Merkmale von TUSB1002AEVM

  • Plug-and-play design
  • Power the EVM by USB VBUS or 5- to 5.5-V DC IN through a power jack
  • Access the I2C bus through headers
  • Configurable through dip switches

Beschreibung von TUSB1002AEVM

The TUSB1002 device implements a linear equalizer, supporting up to 16 dB of loss caused by intersymbol interference (ISI). When USB signals travel across a printed circuit board (PCB) or cable, signal integrity degrades because of loss and ISI. The linear equalizer compensates for the channel loss, and thereby, extends the channel length and enables systems to pass USB compliance. The dual-lane implementation and small package size provides flexibility in the placement of the TUSB1002 in the USB 3.1 path. Use the TUSB1002AEVM evlauation module (EVM) to evaluate the TUSB1002 linear redriver.


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