AWR2243BOOST AWR2243 第二代 76-GHz 至 81-GHz 高效能車用 MMIC 評估模組 angled board image


AWR2243 第二代 76-GHz 至 81-GHz 高效能車用 MMIC 評估模組


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AWR2243BOOST 的特色

  • Onboard antenna enables field testing
  • Standard interface for DCA1000 connectivity and MMWAVE-STUDIO for raw data capture
  • TI LaunchPad development-kit interface to seamlessly connect to TI MCUs

AWR2243BOOST 的說明

The AWR2243 BoosterPack™ plug-in module is an easy-to-use evaluation board for the single-chip AWR2243 mmWave sensing device.

AWR2243BOOST contains everything required to start developing using the MMWAVE-STUDIO environment and the DCA1000 real-time data capture adapter.

The standard 20-pin BoosterPack plug-in module headers make the evaluation board compatible with a wide variety of MCU LaunchPad development kits and enable easy prototyping.


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