キーボード・ファームウェア・サンプル・ソース・コード、TI TUSB2136/TUSB3210 用
The TUSB2136-TUSB3210-KBD-SRCCODE Keyboard Application Demo Firmware is a fully-functional keyboard controller application designed to operate with the either the Texas Instrument TUSB2136 or TUSB3210 microcontrollers. The code is designed to operate within a typical 101-key keyboard with three LEDs.
This code is provided to demonstrate the use and functionality of the TUSB2136 or TUSB3210, as well as to provide the user with a starting point should it be necessary to develop code to handle an expanded keyboard. The TUSB3210KBDPDK and the TUSB2136TPS2149PDK both ship with this code native to the on-board EEPROM.
The code is written to work with the USB Human Interface Device (HID) Class driver.
The code has been designed to be as straight-forward as possible, maintaining readability with heavy in-line documentation.
- Creates a standard 101-key USB Keyboard
- Assumes use of the USB HID class driver