Local oscillator and GHz clocks requirements in radio applications systems with LMX2594

This training series discusses the key requirements of local oscillators in microwave/RF and GHz clocks in radio applications. The topics covered establish the key relationships between the requirements of a signal source and its impact on a radio system. After this training, you will be armed with the ability to understand the system requirements of your customer and how they pertain to a signal source so you can engage with your customer in a very meaningful way. We will make clear simple links between phase noise and error vector magnitude (EVM) / reciprocal mixing, spurs and undesired responses, Jitter and SNR / noise figure, Synchronization and coherent receivers/phase array antenna, Sysref and deterministic latency. LMX2594 is a high-performance signal source targeted at these applications with purpose-built features.


View series

Local oscillator and GHz clocks requirements in radio applications systems with LMX2594