Design smart and efficient machine vision applications with our analog and embedded processing products
Why choose TI for your machine vision designs?
Energy efficiency
Reduce system power, latency and cost with deep learning and vision accelerators that enable industry-leading energy efficiency.
Large-scale data processing
Enhance data processing for video streaming and machine vision, with our dedicated solutions that quickly and reliably process large amounts of data in multi-core processors and accelerators.
Sensor fusion in any environment
Enable a safer and improved machine vision experience with advanced sensing technologies for camera and radar sensing.
Engineering advanced machine vision designs
Advancing intelligence at the edge using one platform for single- and multicamera systems
Our vision processors enable you to execute facial recognition, object detection, pose estimation and other artificial intelligence (AI) features in real time using the same software. With scalable performance for as many as 12 cameras, you can build smart security cameras, autonomous mobile robots and everything in between. You will be equipped with low-power vision, energy-efficient automation and high-performance autonomy. To start testing, find free evaluation development tools such as TI Edge AI Studio, industry-standard application programming interfaces, and frameworks.
Advanced AI Vision Processing Using AM69A for Smart Camera Applications
Vision AI-Based Defect Detection on AM62A Using TI Edge AI Studio
How are sensors and processors creating more intelligent and autonomous robots?
Simplify machine vision and PLC communication
Industrial Ethernet interfaces with Power over Ethernet enable precise and reliable communication between machine vision devices to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and Ethernet gateways. High-speed video SerDes over V3Link simultaneously transmits high-speed video, power, bidirectional clocking, control and more over a single wire, enabling the use of a slimmer microcoaxial cable.
How to transfer high-resolution video data over a single wire in machine vision-ba
Choosing PoE PSE System Software Solutions
Sensing technologies for accurate and reliable machine vision
Leverage our portfolio of highly accurate sensors with quick response times to capture necessary information, enabling real-time control and autonomy in a wide range of applications.
High accuracy 3D scanning using Texas Instruments DLP® technology for structured (Rev. A)
Achieving accuracy in bin picking with TI DLP® technology-powered structured light
Streamline your functional safety system certification
TI Functional Safety-Compliant components help you meet rigorous functional safety standards such as International Electrotechnical Commission 61508 and International Organization for Standardization 13849. Streamline your certification process by relying on our engineers' expertise; documentation resources such as failure-in-time rate and failure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis; safety certificates; and software diagnostics libraries.
簡化汽車及工業領域的功 能安全認證
Understanding Functional Safety FIT Base Failure Rate Estimates per IEC 62380 and SN 29500 (Rev. A)
Functional safety at TI
具有 PMIC 的 AM62x 入門套件 EVM
SK-AM62B-P1 入門套件 (SK) 評估模組 (EVM) 是圍繞 AM62x 系統單晶片 (SoC) 建構的獨立測試和開發平台。AM62x 處理器包含四核心 64 位元 ARM®-Cortex®-A53 微處理器與單核心 ARM Cortex-M4F MCU。
SK-AM62B-P1 是 SK-AM62 的最新版本,包括板載 TPS64219/20 PMIC,旨在實現高能效的便攜式和固定式應用。此外,SK-AM62B-P1 還具備安全功能,可實現安全啟動、除錯安全性和防火牆。
SK-AM62B-P1 讓使用者使用選用的 3D GPU,透過每吋點數 (DPI) 的高畫質多媒體介面 (...)
適用於 AM62x Sitara™ 處理器的 Altia® GUI 開發軟體
Altia 擅長建造嵌入式顯示器的圖形使用者介面 (GUI) 開發軟體和服務。Altia 的設計涵蓋全球超過 1 億部裝置,供汽車、醫療、消費電子及工業裝置產業的各家公司用於將一流的 GUI 投入生產。Altia 產品和服務支援各種 TI Sitara™ 和 Jacinto™ 架構的處理器。
Altia 工具鏈包括整合、高效且易於使用的工作流程,具有先進 3D 功能、全球語言支援及其他更多功能。Altia 工程服務團隊在 GUI 開發生命週期中提供全球支援,從圖形開發和使用者體驗研究到測試、功能安全認證及生產。
AM62x 功率預估工具 (PET)
AM62x 功率預估工具 (PET) 試算表允許使用者根據測量和模擬數據計算功耗估計值。估計值按原樣提供,不保證在指定精密度內。功耗取決於在運作過程中執行於處理器的電氣參數、矽製程變化、環境條件和使用案例。
透過 AM62x 處理器啟用低功耗嵌入式系統
新一代 HMI 的三個重要考量 (Rev. A)
Time Sensitive Networking for Industrial Automation (Rev. C)
探索 500 多項應用