SLVAF18 March   2021 TPSM5601R5H


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Noise Origin
    1. 1.1 Parasitic Elements
    2. 1.2 High Frequency Noise and Low Frequency Ripple
  3. 2Effective Construction of a Power Module
    1. 2.1 Noise Reduction
    2. 2.2 TPSM5601R5H Step-Down Power Module
  4. 3Spread Spectrum
    1. 3.1 Concept
    2. 3.2 Tradeoffs
    3. 3.3 Other EMI Mitigation Techniques
    4. 3.4 EMI Results
  5. 4Summary
  6. 5References

Noise Origin

We tend to associate EMI with wireless interference but there is also an interference that travels through a conducted path instead of the air. Conducted EMI is a form of conduction coupling generated via cabling, PCB traces, parasitic elements, or power and ground planes. Radiated EMI is the coupling of unwanted signals from radio transmissions due to the elements of conducting materials. Every conductor has characteristics of an antenna that is capable of both transmitting and receiving signals.