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TMS320C5000™ DSP Courseware

Name/Title of Material: DSK C5402 FIR
Author: Massimo Martelli
E-mail: m-martelli@ti.com
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio
Type/level of lab: TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 5/31/2002
File type: Code Composer Studio Project
File: DSK5402_filter.zip (191K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others: This example shows how setup the DSP peripherals for a simple audio application with the "standard" Chip Support Library

(CSL) instead of the C5402 DSK Board Library. The DSK Board Library is not supported at the same level of CSL and sometimes doesn't give to the user the complete control of the DSP.

This lab project is derived from the TI Reference Framework #1, leaving only a very simple framework that should be easy to understand for a first time user. The original Reference Framework can be downloaded from www.dspvillage.com.

Name/Title of material: An Introduction to Digital Signal Processors
Author: Bruno Paillard
University: Universite de Sherbrooke
E-mail: Bruno.Paillard@USherbrooke.ca
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: Signal Ranger DSP board
Type of Materials: Introductory Book
Application area: General Microprocessors
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory Graduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: February 2002
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF
File: C5000 Course Manual (English).zip (3.1MB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: (New edition, written in English) This book has been written to support an introductory course on Microprocessors and Microprocessor applications. The focus is on embedded systems in general, and systems incorporating Digital Signal Processing functions in particular.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Short history of the microprocessor
  • Systems architecture
  • Boolean algebra and fixed point computation
  • Development tools
  • The TMS320VC5402
  • Software development methodology for embedded systems

Name/Title of material: FIR Filters
Author: Mohamed El-Tanany
University: Carleton University
E-mail: tanany@sce.carleton.ca
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C54x EVM
Type of Materials: Lab Exercises
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory Undergraduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: August 2001
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF, Matlab, Executable, Assembly
File: FIR Lab.zip (132K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: This lab is meant to explore the basic characteristics and design of FIR filters. Included are all the files needed to run the experiment in addition to the Matlab files needed for the design, plus the lab/assignment writing as it was given to our students, plus two sets of lecture notes.

Name/Title of material: Une introduction aux processeurs de traitement du signal
Author: Bruno Paillard
University: Universite de Sherbrooke
E-mail: Bruno.Paillard@USherbrooke.ca
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: Third Party tools (Signal Ranger DSP Board)
Type of Materials: Introductory Book
Application area: General Microprocessors
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory undergraduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: French
Developed/Last Updated Date: May 2001
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF
File: introduction_dsp.zip (2.4M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: This book has been written to support an introductory course on Microprocessors and Microprocessor implementation. The focus is on embedded systems in general, and systems incorporating Digital Signal Processing functions in particular.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Short history of the microprocessor
  • Systems architecture
  • Boolean algebra and fixed point computation
  • Development tools
  • The TMS320VC5402
  • Software development methodology for embedded systems

Name/Title of Material: C5402-DSK LabView Interface Version 2.0
Author: Bruno Paillard, Alex Boudreau
University: Universite de Sherbrooke
Email: bruno.paillard@videotron.ca
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C5000
DSP Device on which Material is Based: TMS320C54x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Material: Development tools
Application Area: Instrumentation, Control, Communications
Type/Level of Lab: N/A
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course? (Yes/No): N/A
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Research project – digital control
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: January 6, 2003
File Types: Code Composer Studio project, LabView, Adobe Acrobat PDF, Dynamic Link Libraries (dll), executable files
File: c5402_installer_v200.zip (18.4Mb)
Computer Language in which Material is Written: LabView, C5000 C, C5000 assembly
Description/Value to Others:This is version 2.0 of the LabVIEW interface for the C5402 DSK board. This LabVIEW interface consists in software that can be used to allow a LabVIEW application to download and control DSP code running on the C5402 DSK in real time. The interface consists of a library of LabVIEW VIs to access the DSP board through the PC's parallel port, as well as a DSP-resident communication and interface kernel, enabling those accesses. Version 2.0 includes features that were previously only available as part of the commercial package for the Signal Ranger DSP board. Among these features the Mini-Debugger is a stand-alone tool that allows the developer to interactively load code on the DSP, run it, and read/write memory, IOs and CPU registers in real time while the code is running. It allows symbolic access to labels and variables, and can display data as graphs. Since it is a stand-alone tool it can be used without LabVIEW. It is a very useful tool in the classroom where it provides a user-friendly interface to interactively test and probe code running on the DSP.

The LabVIEW interface allows a user to:

The LabVIEW interface allows symbolic access for memory reads and writes, as well as DSP function launch. This means that the LabVIEW side does not have to be updated if the DSP code is modified and rebuilt.

Altogether, the interface allows the user to leverage the C5402 DSK board real time processing and analog I/O capabilities, with the ease of use, high-level processing power and graphical user interface of LabVIEW.

Name/Title of Material: C5000 DSP Teaching Kit
Author: Mehmet Akhan/Keith Larson/Richard Sikora/Walter J. Gomes III
University: University of Hertfordshire/Texas Instruments/iDSP
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C5000
DSP Device on which this Material is Based: TMS320C54x
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Material: Lectures, Tutorials, Lab Exercises
Application Area: None
Type/Level of Lab: Introductory Undergraduate
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: No
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Theory
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: March 2001
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Assembly, C
File Types: Word, PowerPoint, Executable/Source Code
Files: TMS320C5000 DTK.zip(17.9M)
Description/Value to Others: These materials are lecture slides, instructor notes, suggested test questions, and 5402 DSK-based programs previously offered by TI as the TMS320C5000 DSP Teaching Kit. Included are:

  • Six chapters of information on DSP and C5000 DSP architecture including slides, lecture notes, and test questions for each chapter.
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to DSP (includes C5000 architecture overview)
    • Chapter 2: From Analog to Digital
    • Chapter 3: Filtering
    • Chapter 4: The Frequency Domain
    • Chapter 5: Applications of DSP
    • Chapter 6: Assembly Language Basics
  • Fourteen C5000 DSP assembly language tutorials
  • Five demo programs that demonstrate the Code Composer Studio software and as well as the capabilities of the C5402 DSK board. The demos cover number representation, the speed of the fixed-point multiply and accumulate operation, analog to digital conversion, how analog signals appear in the frequency domain, and digital filters.
All files are editable so instructors can customize the materials.

First Name: Richard
Last Name: Sikora
University: None
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio | General Signal Processing | Speech
Type/level of lab: General EE | Non-EE | Introductory undergraduate | TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Name/Title of material: Configuring the Audio Daughter Card with TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 11/11/02
File type: Archived Source File | MS Word
File: Template for Audio Daughter Card with TMS320C5402 DSK.ZIP (50k)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C | Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: Template for an audio project for use with the TMS320C5402 DSK and Code Composer Studio V1.20.

Requires a CD player / walkman and headphones / powered computer speakers. A signal generator if available would be useful.

Code provided in C.

Configures the TMS320C5402 DSK with the Audio Daughter Card for audio usage. Allows the student to use the 2 user switches as inputs and the 3 LEDs as a bargraph display.

Intended to be used as a starting point for audio experiments.

First Name: Richard
Last Name: Sikora
University: None
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSKOther TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio
Type/level of lab: General EE | Non-EE | Introductory undergraduate | TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Name/Title of material: Audio Experiments 1 - 4 for the TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 11/11/02
File type: Executable File | MS Word
File: TMS320C5416 DSK Laboratories 1 - 4.ZIP (320K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C | Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: The first four in a series of practical experiments to process audio using the TMS320C5416 DSK and Code Composer Studio V2.0. Requires a CD player / walkman and headphones / powered computer speakers. If available, a signal generator would be useful.

Code is written mostly in C and C5400 assembly language where speed is required. Users the 4 user switches on the TMS320C5416 DSK and configures the 4 LEDs as a bargraph display.

The laboratories allow the student to find out the answers to the following questions by practical experiment:

Laboratory 1. What sampling rate is required for
a) music?
b) speech?
The C code provided allows 16 different sampling rates from 24 kHz down to 1 kHz to be selected using the user switches on the DSK.

Laboratory 2. How many sampling bits are required for acceptable quality a) music and b) speech?

Sampling can be adjusted between 16 bits and 5 bits using the user switches on the DSK.

Laboratory 3. In order to divide music into bass and treble, a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter can be used. Which of the following types of FIR filter gives the best sound: Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman and Kaiser?

Uses 15 different configurations of high pass and low pass FIR filters, controlled by the user switches on the DSK.

Laboratory 4. When using a Finite Impulse Reponse Filter (FIR), how many coefficients are required for hi-fi sound quality? How many coefficients are required for acceptable speech quality?

Provides 15 different configurations of low pass and high pass FIR filters with different numbers of coefficients.

First Name: Richard
Last Name: Sikora
University: None
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSKOther TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio | General Signal Processing | Speech
Type/level of lab: General EE | Non-EE | Introductory undergraduate | TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Name/Title of material: Audio Applications 1 - 4 for TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 11/11/02
File type: Archived Source File | MS Word
File: TMS320C5416 DSK Applications 1 - 4.ZIP (320K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C | Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: Four audio examples for use with the TMS320C5416 DSK and Code Composer Studio V2.0.

Requires a CD player / walkman and headphones / powered computer speakers. A signal generator if available would be useful.

Code provided mostly in C and 'C5400 assembly language where speed is required.

Thes applications could be applied to TMS320C5402 DSK, although this has only 2 user switches and 3 LEDs.

Application 1. Template for an audio project.

Configures the TMS320C5416 DSK for audio usage. Allows the student to use the 4 user switches as inputs and the 4 LEDs as a bargraph display.

Application 2. Delays and Echo.

Sets up the TMS320C5416 DSK for delays and echo to simulate a large auditorium. Uses circular buffers and introduces configuration also used for Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters.

Application 3. Reverberation.

Simulates simple and multiple reflections off walls to simulate different types of rooms. Uses circular buffers and introduces the configuration used for Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters.

Application 4. Electronic Crossover.

Divides the audio signal into bass and treble. The frequency at which bass and treble are separated is adjusted using the 4 user switches in the range 100 Hz to 6400 Hz. Uses FIR filters.

Title: TMS320C5416 DSK Audio Applications 1-4
Author: Richard Sikora
University: None
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK, MS320C5416 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio, General Signal Processing, Speech
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, Introductory graduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 20th January 2003
File type: Archived Source File, Code Composer Studio Project, MS Word
File: TMS320C5416 Laboratories 1-4.zip (888 KB), TMS320C5416 Applications 1-4.zip (940 KB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler, Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others:
Four practical audio applications of digital signal processing (DSP) using the TMS320C5416 DSK. These can also be used as the basis of laboratories.

Equipment Required:
TMS320C5416 DSK
CD player or walkman
Computer loudspeakers

Application 1. Template
A template for an audio project. Sets up the 4 LEDs on the TMS320C5416 DSK as a bargraph and the 4 user switches to control the audio processing.

Application 2. Delays and Echo
Simulates the delays experienced in communications networks and the reflection of sound heard in a canyon. Introduces circular buffers and the configuration used for Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters.

Application 3. Reverberation
Simulates single and multiple reflections of sound from the walls of a room or auditorium. Introduces the configuration used for Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters.

Application 4. Electronic Crossover
Divides an audio signal into bass and treble components for driving different loudspeakers using FIR filters. The user switches on the TMS320C5416 DSK select 15 different crossover frequencies between 300 Hz and 12800 Hz.

Title: TMS320C5416 DSK Audio Applications 5 - 8
Author: Richard Sikora
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK, TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio, General Signal Processing, Speech
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, Introductory graduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 20th January 2003
File type: Archived Source File, Code Composer Studio Project, MS Word
File: TMS320C5416 Laboratories 5-8.zip (1 MB), TMS320C5416 Applications 5-8.zip (2 MB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler, Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others:
Four practical applications of digital signal processing (DSP) using the TMS320C5416 DSK. These can also be used as the basis of laboratories.

Equipment Required:
TMS320C5416 DSK
CD player or walkman and computer loudspeakers
Touch telephone
Optionally, a signal generator to generate sine waves in the range 20 Hz to 50 kHz.

Application 5. Alien Voices
Uses ring modulation to alter the spectral content of speech and music. Widely used in science-fiction films and television to generate strange voices for aliens.

Application 6. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters
A collection of high pass, low pass, band pass and band stop filters for audio use. Can be used to boost or cut certain frequency bands from the audio spectrum.

Application 7. Goertzel Algorithm
A special case of the IIR filter used to identify the dual tones generated when the buttons of a touch tone telephone are pressed. Uses a microphone to pick up the sound of the telephone and shows the buttons pressed on the computer screen.

Application 8. Spectrum Analyser
Uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to analyse the power of specific bands in an audio signal.

Title: TMS320C5416 DSK Laboratories 9 - 12
Author: Richard Sikora
University: None
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK, TMS320C5416 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio, General Signal Processing, Speech
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, Introductory graduate, TMS320C5000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 20th January 2003
File type: Archived Source File, Code Composer Studio Project, MS Word
File: TMS320C5416 Applications 9-10.zip (651 KB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler, Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others:
The third in a series of laboratories to allow the student to find out the answers to some questions about digital signal processing (DSP) by carrying out practical experiments using audio. Complete application code for the TMS320C5416 DSK is provided for each laboratory.

Equipment Required:
CD player or walkman
Computer loudspeakers
Optionally, a signal generator to generate sine waves in the range 20 Hz to 50 kHz.
To produce quantitative results for Laboratory 9, a digital frequency meter and/or a digital storage oscilloscope are required.

Laboratory 9. Comparison of Performance of C and Assembly code
For which of the following does assembly language offer a benefit in performance over C code: a) Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters
b) Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters
c) Adaptive filters?

Does the execution time of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) increase linearly or logarithmically with the number of points?

Laboratory 10. Decimation by Integer Amounts to Decrease Sampling Rate
How does reducing the sampling rate affect the audio quality?
Why is an anti-aliasing filter required?

Laboratory 11. Interpolation by Integer Amounts to Increase Sampling Rate
How does increasing the sampling rate affect audio quality?
Why is an anti-imaging filter required?

Laboratory 12. Noise Reduction Using Adaptive Filters and Notch Filters
In which cases would an IIR filter be used to remove noise from an audio signal?
In which cases would an adaptive filter be used to remove noise from an audio signal?

Title: PCM3003 Audio Daughter Card with TI 5402 DSK
Author: Martin Sehlstedt
University: Luleå University of Technology
E-mail: Martin.Sehlstedt@sm.luth.se
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C5000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C5402 DSK
Type of Materials: Sample program
Application area: Audio
Type/level of lab: None
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Application
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: November 2002
File type: Other Archived files source, project & PDF
File: TI5402DSK - ADC.zip (328 KB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others:
Here are two solutions on how to make the PCM3003 Audio Daughter Card (ADC) work with the TI 5402 DSK.The solutions were found independently by two persons and they are of different kinds so both solutions are included as they are.

In the solution by Martin Sehlstedt the "codec" digital loopback sample project, supplied with the TI 5402 DSK, has been modified to use the ADC . In this solution DSP-BIOS and interrupts are used to handle the data coming from the ADC. The board LEDs are used for "waking lights" to show that the processor is running.

The solution by Richard Sikora also performs a digital loopback and here the board LEDs are used as a "bargraph" for the signal strength, summed L and R channels. This solution is more of a stand alone program where polling of the receiving serial channel is used to process data from the ADC.

For questions on the different solutions contact the corresponding author:
Martin Sehlstedt -- Martin.Sehlstedt@sm.luth.se Richard Sikora -- richard@sikora.demon.co.uk