飛時測距 (ToF) 感測器

Understand your surroundings using our high-speed, high-resolution AFE for time-of-flight (ToF) based proximity and distance sensing.

Our proximity sensing products, tools, and development kits enable the next generation of optical sensing systems such as factory automation, building automation, appliances, and more. Our devices allow for full customization of every aspect of your design using TI’s time-of-flight chipsets in your long-range distance measurements, obstacle detection, or avoidance applications.

Why choose our proximity and distance sensors?


System design flexibility

Detect near and far objects of various shapes, sizes, colors, materials and reflectivity levels in a wide or narrow field of view (FoV).


Precision distance measurements

Accurately detect objects with a 3-mm resolution at a range of 3 centimeters to 15 meters.


Target localization

Determine object distance and direction using up to 3 sensing zones.


TI Precision labs - Time of flight training series
Learn about the time of flight and proximity sensing technology and the tools we offer for easy implementation into industrial and consumer applications.
Application note
Application note
Introduction to Time-of-Flight Long Range Proximity and Distance Sensor System (Rev. B)
This document describes the detailed functionality of Time of Flight proximity systems, explains the trade-offs involved in a typical Time of Flight system, and provides a step by step design flow.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Application note
Application note
How to select the right proximity sensor technology
Take a look at our infographic to quickly understand the pros and cons of each proximity sensing technology we offer including optical time of flight.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF


OPT3101 系統評估工具

The OPT3101 system estimator tool analyzes the performance of the OPT3101, which is a time-of-flight (ToF)-based, long-range proximity and distance sensor analog front end (AFE). The tool determines if the OPT3101 is able to meet design requirements under various conditions.

軟體開發套件 (SDK)
OPT3101 軟體開發套件 (SDK)

OPT3101 軟體開發套件 (SDK) 提供 C++ 功能資料庫,可使用 OPT3101 來控制及校準系統,此套件為飛時測距 (ToF) 型、長距離接近和距離感測器類比前端 (AFE)。

OPT3101 配置器工具

OPT3101 飛時測距 (ToF) 類比前端 (AFE) 配置器工具為一離線圖形使用者介面 (GUI),可自訂 OPT3101 的配置,其為 ToF 型的長程近距與測距感測器 AFE。OPT3101CONFIG-SW 提供高層次抽象,並產生 C++ 程式碼以初始化和配置 OPT3101。此工具會產生 OPT3101 軟體開發套件 (OPT3101-SDK) 的標頭檔案。