JAJSFP6B July   2018  – October 2020 DLPC3434


  1. 特長
  2. アプリケーション
  3. 概要
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1. 5.1 Test Pins and General Control
    2. 5.2 Parallel Port Input
    3. 5.3 DSI Input Data and Clock
    4. 5.4 DMD Reset and Bias Control
    5. 5.5 DMD Sub-LVDS Interface
    6. 5.6 Peripheral Interface
    7. 5.7 GPIO Peripheral Interface
    8. 5.8 Clock and PLL Support
    9. 5.9 Power and Ground
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4  Thermal Information
    5. 6.5  Power Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6  Pin Electrical Characteristics
    7. 6.7  Internal Pullup and Pulldown Electrical Characteristics
    8. 6.8  DMD Sub-LVDS Interface Electrical Characteristics
    9. 6.9  DMD Low-Speed Interface Electrical Characteristics
    10. 6.10 System Oscillator Timing Requirements
    11. 6.11 Power Supply and Reset Timing Requirements
    12. 6.12 Parallel Interface Frame Timing Requirements
    13. 6.13 Parallel Interface General Timing Requirements
    14. 6.14 Flash Interface Timing Requirements
    15. 6.15 Other Timing Requirements
    16. 6.16 DMD Sub-LVDS Interface Switching Characteristics
    17. 6.17 DMD Parking Switching Characteristics
    18. 6.18 Chipset Component Usage Specification
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1 Input Source Requirements
        1. Supported Resolution and Frame Rates
        2. Parallel Interface Data Transfer Format
        3. 3D Display
      2. 7.3.2 Device Startup
      3. 7.3.3 SPI Flash
        1. SPI Flash Interface
        2. SPI Flash Programming
      4. 7.3.4 I2C Interface
      5. 7.3.5 Content Adaptive Illumination Control (CAIC)
      6. 7.3.6 Local Area Brightness Boost (LABB)
      7. 7.3.7 3D Glasses Operation
      8. 7.3.8 Test Point Support
      9. 7.3.9 DMD Interface
        1. Sub-LVDS (HS) Interface
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
    5. 7.5 Programming
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
    2. 8.2 Typical Application
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
      3. 8.2.3 Application Curve
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
    1. 9.1 PLL Design Considerations
    2. 9.2 System Power-Up and Power-Down Sequence
    3. 9.3 Power-Up Initialization Sequence
    4. 9.4 DMD Fast Park Control (PARKZ)
    5. 9.5 Hot Plug I/O Usage
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
      1. 10.1.1 PLL Power Layout
      2. 10.1.2 Reference Clock Layout
        1. Recommended Crystal Oscillator Configuration
      3. 10.1.3 Unused Pins
      4. 10.1.4 DMD Control and Sub-LVDS Signals
      5. 10.1.5 Layer Changes
      6. 10.1.6 Stubs
      7. 10.1.7 Terminations
      8. 10.1.8 Routing Vias
      9. 10.1.9 Thermal Considerations
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Device Support
      1. 11.1.1 Third-Party Products Disclaimer
      2. 11.1.2 Device Nomenclature
        1. Device Markings
        2. Video Timing Parameter Definitions
    2. 11.2 Documentation Support
      1. 11.2.1 Related Documentation
    3. 11.3 Related Links
    4. 11.4 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    5. 11.5 Support Resources
    6. 11.6 Trademarks
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information
    1. 12.1 Package Option Addendum
      1. 12.1.1 Packaging Information



Revision History

Changes from Revision A (June 2019) to Revision B (October 2020)

  • 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
  • 一般的なデータシートのフォーマットと注文の更新Go
  • Deleted mention of mirror parking time from PARKZ pin description and moved to a specification tableGo
  • Changed JTAG pin names from Reserved to proper names Go
  • Deleted support for adjustable DATAEN_CMD polarity Go
  • Deleted mention of a specific 3D command Go
  • Deleted support for adjusting PCLK capture edge in software Go
  • Changed the description of how to use the CMP_OUT pin and corrected how the comparator must use GPIO_10 (RC_CHARGE) instead of CMP_PWM Go
  • Deleted support for CMP_PWMGo
  • Added note about VCC_INTF power up recommendations if secondary devices are on the I2C bus Go
  • Deleted mention of unsupported keypad inputs Go
  • Corrected optional MTR_SENSE support to GPIO_18 instead of GPIO_19 Go
  • Changed GPIO_18 option to FPGA_RESETZGo
  • Deleted mention of unsupported light sensor on GPIO_13 and GPIO_12 Go
  • Deleted reference of the RC_CHARGE circuit being used for the light sensor and added reference of it being used for the thermistor Go
  • Deleted reference of the LS_PWR circuit being used for the light sensorGo
  • Removed GPIO_07 LED Enable featuresGo
  • Deleted mention of the unsupported LABB output sample and hold sensor control signalGo
  • Clarified GPIO_03 - GPIO_01 pins are required to be used as a SPI1 portGo
  • Deleted misleading note about GPIO pins defaulting to inputs Go
  • Deleted VDDLP12 from Absolute Maximum Ratings tableGo
  • Deleted unneeded VCC_INTF and VCC_FLSH absolute maximum values Go
  • Added high voltage tolerant note to Absolute Maximum Ratings table Go
  • Changed incorrect pin tolerance Go
  • Changed Power Electrical Characteristics table to reflect updated power measurement values and techniques Go
  • Deleted reference to unsupported IDLE mode Go
  • Changed display format of Power Electrical Characteristics tableGo
  • Added note that the power numbers vary depending on the utilized softwareGo
  • Changed and fixed incorrect test conditions for current drive strengthsGo
  • Deleted redundant ǀVODǀ specification which is referenced in later sectionsGo
  • Added minimum and maximum values for VOH for I/O type 4Go
  • Added minimum and maximum values for VOL for I/O type 4Go
  • Deleted incorrect reference to 2.5-V, 24-mA drive Go
  • Corrected I2C buffer test conditionsGo
  • Deleted incorrect steady-state common mode voltage reference Go
  • Changed high voltage tolerant I/O note to only refer to the I2C buffer and changed VCC to VCC_INTF.Go
  • Added |VOD| minimum and maximum values, and changed the typical value.Go
  • Added high-level output voltage minimum and maximum values for the sub-LVDS DMD interface, deleted redundant mention of specification, and changed the typical value. Go
  • Added low-level output voltage minimum and maximum values for the sub-LVDS DMD interface, deleted redundant mention of specification, and changed the typical value. Go
  • Corrected the name of the DMD Low-Speed signals from inputs to outputs. Go
  • Deleted VOH(DC) maximum and VOL(DC) minimum values. Go
  • Added note about DMD input specs being met if a proper series termination resistor is used Go
  • Deleted reference of selecting unsupported oscillator frequency Go
  • Corrected system oscillator clock period to match clock frequency Go
  • Changed pulse duration percent spec from a maximum to a minimum Go
  • Added condition for VDD rise time Go
  • Deleted the incorrect part of the tp_tvb definitionGo
  • Deleted unneeded total horizontal blanking equation Go
  • Changed minimum total vertical blanking equation Go
  • Increased maximum PCLK from 150 MHz to 155 MHz Go
  • Deleted reference to various signal's active edges being configurable Go
  • Changed the minimum flash SPI_CLK frequencyGo
  • Corrected flash interface clock period to match clock frequency Go
  • Added Section 6.15 section to more clearly list signal transition time requirementsGo
  • Changed GPIO_08 (HOST_IRQ) pulse width requirement and added a requirement to keep GPIO_08 high until HOST_IRQ goes lowGo
  • Changed DMD HS clock switching rate from maximum to nominal and added accompanying clock specification Go
  • Added Section 6.17 sectionGo
  • Added the Section 6.18 section to clarify chipset support requirementsGo
  • Added information that the parallel interface isn't ready to accept data until the auto-initialization process is completedGo
  • Changed how the 500-ms startup time is described Go
  • Changed SPI flash key timing parameter access frequency minimum and maximum valuesGo
  • Deleted SPI signal routing section Go
  • Deleted support for a light sensor integrated with the DLPC34xx controller Go
  • Added Section 7.3.7 Go
  • Added missing timing definitions Go
  • Clarified that the mentioned SDR clock speed is the typical valueGo
  • Updated all timing diagramsGo
  • Updated Running Fast DMD Park Sequence and Power Shut-Down times in Figure 9-3 Go
  • Changed which signals are listed as tri-stated at power up and which signals are pulled low Go
  • Changed 1-oz copper plane recommendation Go
  • Deleted reference to unsupported option of variable frequency reference clockGo
  • Added additional DMD data and DMD clock signal matching requirements Go
  • Changed maximum mismatch from ±0.1" to ±1.0" Go
  • Changed incorrect signal matching requirement table noteGo
  • Changed differential signal layer change to a recommendationGo
  • Changed wording requiring no more than two vias on certain DMD signals Go
  • Added MSL peak temp and op temp to Section 12.1.1 Go

Changes from Revision * (July 2018) to Revision A (June 2019)

  • Changed mirror parking time from "500 μs" to "20 ms" for PARKZ description in Pin Functions tableGo
  • Updated mirror parking time from "500 μs" to "20 ms" in Figure 27. DLPC343x Power-Up / PARKZ = 0 Initiated Fast PARK and Power-Down Go
  • Updated Running Normal DMD Park and Power Shut-Down times in Figure 9-2 Go