SWRZ117 June   2022 CC2652PSIP


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Advisories Matrix
  4. 2Nomenclature, Package Symbolization, and Revision Identification
    1. 2.1 Device and Development Support-Tool Nomenclature
    2. 2.2 Devices Supported
    3. 2.3 Package Symbolization and Revision Identification
  5. 3Advisories
    1.     Advisory Power_03
    2.     Advisory PKA_01
    3.     Advisory PKA_02
    4.     Advisory I2C_01
    5.     Advisory I2S_01
    6.     Advisory CPU_01
    7.     Advisory CPU_02
    8.     Advisory CPU_03
    9.     Advisory CPU_Sys_01
    10.     Advisory Sys_01
    11. 3.1 Sys_05
    12.     Advisory SYSCTRL_01
    13.     IOC_01
    14.     SRAM_01
    15.     GPTM_01
    16.     ADC_01
    17.     ADC_02
    18.     ADC_03
    19.     ADC_04
    20.     ADC_05
  6. 4Revision History


Periodic ADC trigger at 200 kHz rate can be ignored when XOSC_HF is turned on or off

Revisions Affected:

Revision F


There is no dedicated clock source selection for the ADC clock. The clock is derived from either XOSC_HF or RCOSC_HF, but defaults to XOSC_HF-derived clock whenever this is turned on.

When the ADC clock source is switched from RCOSC_HF to XOSC_HF-derived clock, the clock will stop for 2 cycles (24 MHz).

When the ADC clock source is switched from XOSC_HF-derived clock to RCOSC_HF-derived clock, the clock will stop for additionally 12 clock cycles, as the RCOSC_HF-derived clock is not ready when switch is done.

The fact that the clock is stopped, together with the difference in frequency between XOSC_HF and RCOSC_HF, may cause the ADC sampling and conversion to finish too late to catch the next trigger.

Workaround 1:

Use asynchronous sampling.

The sampling period after the issue occurs can be reduced by up to 20% (12 + 1 clock cycles at 24 MHz)

To use the ADC in asynchronous mode from the Sensor Controller:

Call adcEnableAsync() to enable the ADC, instead of adcEnableSync()



To use the ADC in asynchronous mode from the System CPU, by using the ADCBuf driver:

ADCBuf_Params params;
ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension paramsExtension;


paramsExtension.samplingMode = ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS;
params.custom = &paramsExtension;

To use the ADC in asynchronous mode from the System CPU, by using DriverLib API:

Call AUXADCEnableAsync()to enable the ADC, instead of AUXADCEnableSync()



Please note the difference between the asynchronous and synchronous ADC modes:

  • In asynchronous mode, the ADC trigger ends the sampling period (which started immediately after the previous conversion), and starts conversion.
  • In synchronous mode, the ADC trigger starts the sampling period (with configurable duration), followed by conversion.

Workaround 2:

Ensure that XOSC_HF is not turned on or off while the ADC is used.

Workaround 3:

Increase the sampling period by (12+1)/24 µs or more.