SLAU132V October   2004  – February 2020


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Phase 2 -- Generate Code Coverage Reports

In this phase, the compiler is invoked with the --use_profile_info=file.prf option, which indicates that the compiler should read the specified PRF file generated in phase 1. The application must also be compiled with either the --codecov or --onlycodecov option; the compiler generates a code-coverage info file. The --codecov option directs the compiler to continue compilation after generating code-coverage information, while the --onlycodecov option stops the compiler after generating code-coverage data. For example:

cl430 --opt_level=2 --use_profile_info=pprofout.prf --onlycodecov foo.c

You can specify two environment variables to control the destination of the code-coverage information file.

  • The TI_COVDIR environment variable specifies the directory where the code-coverage file should be generated. The default is the directory where the compiler is invoked.
  • The TI_COVDATA environment variable specifies the name of the code-coverage data file generated by the compiler. the default is filename.csv where filename is the base-name of the file being compiled. For example, if foo.c is being compiled, the default code-coverage data file name is foo.csv.

If the code-coverage data file already exists, the compiler appends the new dataset at the end of the file.

Code-coverage data is a comma-separated list of data items that can be conveniently handled by data-processing tools and scripting languages. The following is the format of code-coverage data:


"filename-with-full-path" Full pathname of the file corresponding to the entry
"funcname" Name of the function
line# Line number of the source line corresponding to frequency data
column# Column number of the source line
exec-frequency Execution frequency of the line
"comments" Intermediate-level representation of the source-code generated by the parser

The full filename, function name, and comments appear within quotation marks ("). For example:

"/some_dir/zlib/msp430/deflate.c","_deflateInit2_",216,5,1,"( strm->zalloc )"

Other tools, such as a spreadsheet program, can be used to format and view the code coverage data.