SNLA299 August   2018 LMH0324 , LMH0397 , LMH1208 , LMH1218 , LMH1219 , LMH1297


  1.   LMH12xx MADI Compatibility Application Note
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 MADI Specification Requirements
      1. 1.1 MADI Transmitter Electrical Requirements
        1. 1.1.1 Line Driver Impedance
        2. 1.1.2 Mean Output Voltage
        3. 1.1.3 Maximum Output Voltage
        4. 1.1.4 Terminated Signal Rise and Fall Time
      2. 1.2 MADI Receiver Electrical Requirements
    3. 2 LMH12xx Device Family
      1. 2.1 LMH12xx Device Family
        1. 2.1.1 LMH1297 MADI Modes of Operation
          1. Dual MADI Cable Driver
          2. SDI Bidirectional IO and MADI Cable Driver
          3. Bidirectional MADI Port and SDI MADI Cable Driver
          4. Bidrectional MADI Port and SDI Cable Driver
        2. 2.1.2 LMH1297 Device Family Register Changes for MADI Compatibility
        3. 2.1.3 LMH1297 Device Family Hardware Changes for MADI Compatibility
      2. 2.2 LMH1218 Device Family Hardware Changes to Support MADI Compatibility
      3. 2.3 LMH1219 Device Family Recommended Register Settings
    4. 3 Summary
    5. 4 References

MADI Specification Requirements

The MADI Specification standard describes the 125-Mbps NRZI, 4/5-bit coded serial data frame format and electrical characteristics for a multichannel audio digital interface. This specification governs requirements for serial digital transmission over coax or fiber-optic lines of 28, 56, or 64 channels represented at a common sampling frequency of 32 KHz to 96 KHz with a resolution of up to 24-bits per channel. Only a single-point interface from one transmitter to a receiver is supported. This document describes electrical parameters and changes necessary to make the LMH12xx device family compatible with these requirements.