SWRU332C November   2012  – October 2016 CC2540 , CC2541-Q1


  1.   CC2541 Mini Development Kit Quick Start Guide
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Opening the Box and Evaluating Bluetooth® Low Energy
      1. 1.1 Kit Contents
      2. 1.2 Introduction
      3. 1.3 Hardware Setup
    3. 2 Evaluate Using BTool
      1. 2.1 Download and Install BLE-Stack
      2. 2.2 Identify the COM Port Number
      3. 2.3 Start BTool
      4. 2.4 Connect to the CC2541 Keyfob
      5. 2.5 Button Notifications
      6. 2.6 Enable Accelerometer
      7. 2.7 Immediate Alert
      8. 2.8 Terminate Connection
      9. 2.9 Source Code
    4. 3 Evaluate Using an iOS Device (iPod, iPad, or iPhone)
      1. 3.1 Download the SimpleLink™ Starter
      2. 3.2 Connect to the CC2541 Keyfob
      3. 3.3 Evaluate the Application
    5. 4 Additional Tools and Links
      1. 4.1 TI Packet Sniffer
      2. 4.2 SmartRF Flash Programmer
      3. 4.3 IAR Embedded Workbench
      4. 4.4 BLE E2E Forum
      5. 4.5 BLE Wiki
      6. 4.6 Useful Links
  2.   Revision History

Connect to the CC2541 Keyfob

Pressing the right button on the CC2541 Keyfob starts the advertisement. The device advertises for 30 seconds. In BTool, press the Scan button, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Scan Buttonscan_button.png

After the scanning is complete, choose the device to connect to, and press Establish, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Establish Buttonestablish_button.png