Annapolis Micro Systems

High-performance signal processing & embedded computing solutions provider

Annapolis Micro Systems is a small business, incorporated in 1982. Considered the leader in reconfigurable computing systems, Annapolis designs and manufactures embedded Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) systems and products for digital signal processing and high performance embedded computing for the military and commercial markets. Annapolis has also developed the advanced graphical programming tool called CoreFire Next™, enabling customers to leverage the power of FPGAs to solve their most challenging applications. Annapolis has a 53,000-square-foot facility including engineering labs, and a surface mount assembly line, all located in beautiful Annapolis, Maryland, USA. Annapolis is a historic city located on the Chesapeake Bay and within easy driving distance of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD.

The Annapolis quality management system has been registered by Intertek as conforming to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The management system is applicable to the design, development, manufacturing, and applications programming of COTS computing systems for the commercial and military markets. See the Annapolis Quality Policy.

Highspeed-ADCs (≥ 10 MSPS)
ADC12DJ2700 12-Bit-, duale 2,7-GSPS- oder einfache 5,4-GSPS-Analog-zu-Digital-Wandler (LVDS-Schnittstelle) mit H ADC12DJ3200 12-Bit-, duale 3,2-GSPS- oder einfache 6,4-GSPS-Analog-zu-Digital-Wandler (ADC) mit HF-Abtastung ADC12DJ5200RF 12-Bit-RF-Sampling-ADC mit 5,2-Zweikanal-GSPS oder 10,4-Zweikanal-GSPS
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Evaluierungsplatine
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Nordamerika
  • 190 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Suite 130
  • Annapolis, Maryland, 21401
  • United States



ANNAP-3P-WWDM60 — Annapolis Microsystems 4-Kanal-ADC, 2-Kanal-DAC FPGA-Mezzanine-Karte für bis zu 10 GSPS

This high performance WILD FMC+ DM60 ADC & DAC has two input bandwidth options, internal sample clock options and internal 10MHz reference clock options. The WWDM60 has a choice of speed grades that utilize the ADC12DJ2700, ADC12DJ3200 and ADC12DJ5200RF up to 10GSPS. It allows for ADC and DAC (...)

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