eSOL Co., Ltd.

Embedded systems and edge computing software, contributing to a safer and better-connected society

eSOL's high-performance and scalable software platform products and first-class professional services, centered around its unique and patented eMCOS multikernel real-time operating system (RTOS) technology, are used worldwide in demanding embedded application fields which conform to stringent quality, safety and security standards. This includes automotive systems as well as industrial equipment, satellites, medical and digital consumer electronics.

In addition to the research and development of its leading-edge products, and joint research with major manufacturers and universities, eSOL is actively engaged in AUTOSAR, Autoware and multi/many-core technology standardization activities.

eMCOS is the world's first commercially available, ultra-scalable real-time operating system (RTOS) based on the modern multikernel architecture.

eT-Kernel™ is an upgraded version of open source RTOS T-Kernel 2.0, extended with unique eSOL technology for embedded systems.

eSOL provides customized engineering & professional services to bridge the gap between its commercial software platforms and customers' project-specific system requirements.

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