BQ27542EVM リチウムイオン・バッテリ残量計、評価モジュール angled board image




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BQ27542EVM の特徴

  • Complete evaluation system for the bq27542 gas gauge with Impedance Track™ Technology
  • Populated circuit module for quick setup
  • PC software and interface board for easy evaluation
  • Software that allows data logging for system analysis

BQ27542EVM に関する概要

The BQ27542EVM along with bqStudio provides the customer tools for developing battery fuel gauging modules for a pack-side fuel gauge solution. Customers are able to configure BQ27542EVM so that it can provide accurate battery fuel gauging information. BQ27542EVM gives the customer information such as battery voltage, temperature measurement, Remaining State of Charge and Run Time to Empty through its RAM registers. The BQ27542EVM allows the customer to evaluate the BQ27542 IC according to its datasheet.


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