LP8770Q1EVM 진단 기능을 지원하는 LP8770-Q1 부스트 및 듀얼 벅 레귤레이터용 평가 모듈 angled board image


진단 기능을 지원하는 LP8770-Q1 부스트 및 듀얼 벅 레귤레이터용 평가 모듈


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LP8770Q1EVM의 주요 특징

  • Software Controller
  • USB-TO-I²C interface supports Standard (100kHz), Fast (400kHz), Fast+ (1MHz), and High-Speed (3.4 MHz) clock rate on the I²C bus
  • Versatile GUI: Output current measurement and status indicators
  • Console application allows running scripts.  Application can execute user specified scripts.
  • Convenient test points for all I/O's

LP8770Q1EVM에 대한 설명

The LP8770Q1EVM is designed to meet the power management requirements of the latest processor and platform needs in automotive camera and radar applications. The device contains two step-down DC-DC converters and two linear regulators and general purpose digital output signal. The device is controlled by an I²C-compatible serial interface.


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