TMP451EVM TMP451 1.7-V remote and local temperature sensor evaluation module angled board image


TMP451 1.7V 원격 및 로컬 온도 센서 평가 모듈


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TMP451EVM의 주요 특징

  • Enables full evaluation of TMP451
  • Programmable Non-Ideality Factor
  • Series Resistance Cancellation
  • 12 Bit Resolution

TMP451EVM에 대한 설명

The TMP451EVM is an evaluation module that is used to fully evaluate the TMP451, a 1.8V remote temperature sensor. The TMP451 has the capability of measuring remote temperatures and on-chip temperatures. The TMP451 is an integrated circuit that provides 1˚C accuracy temperature measurement with ALERT and THERM functions and is suitable for mobile and low cost applications. The TMP451EVM consists of a USB connector, a microcontroller, the TMP451 device, a remote BJT, and supporting circuitry.


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