具有 N 係數、濾波及串聯 R 校正功能的汽車 1.7V 遠端與本機溫度感測器

停產 custom-reels 客製 可提供客製捲盤
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數量 價格

額外包裝數量 | 包裝類型選項 這些產品完全相同,但包裝類型不同

TMP451JQDQFRQ1 現行 custom-reels 客製 可提供客製捲盤
包裝數量 | 運送包裝 3,000 | LARGE T&R
數量 | 價格 1ku | +



  • 美國 ECCN:EAR99


封裝 | 引腳 WSON (DQF) | 8
作業溫度範圍 (°C) -40 to 125
包裝數量 | 運送包裝 250 | SMALL T&R

TMP451-Q1 的特色

  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient operating temperature range
  • ±1°C accuracy for local and remote diode sensors
  • 0.0625°C resolution for local and remote channels
  • 1.7-V to 3.6-V supply and logic voltage range
  • 27-µA operating current, 3-µA shutdown current
  • Series resistance cancellation
  • η-factor and offset correction
  • Programmable digital filter
  • Diode fault detection
  • Two-wire and SMBus™ serial interface
  • 8-pin WSON (WDFN) packages
    • 2.50-mm × 2.50-mm with Wettable Flanks (DQW)
    • 2.00-mm × 2.00-mm (DQF)

TMP451-Q1 的說明

The TMP451-Q1 device is a high-accuracy, low-power remote temperature sensor monitor with a built-in local temperature sensor. The remote temperature sensors are typically low-cost discrete NPN or PNP transistors, or substrate thermal transistors or diodes that are integral parts of microprocessors, microcontrollers, or FPGAs. The temperature is represented as a 12-bit digital code for both the local and the remote sensors, giving a resolution of 0.0625°C. The temperature accuracy is ±1°C (maximum) in the typical operating range for the local and the remote temperature sensors. The two-wire serial interface accepts the SMBus communication protocol.

Advanced features such as series resistance cancellation, programmable nonideality factor (η-factor), programmable offset, programmable temperature limits, and a programmable digital filter are combined to provide a robust thermal monitoring solution with improved accuracy and noise immunity.

The TMP451-Q1 device is ideal for multi-location, high-accuracy temperature measurements in a variety of automotive sub-systems. The TMP451-Q1 is available in a Wettable Flanks WSON package that provides a visual indicator of solderability to lower automatic visual inspection (AVI) time. The device is specified for operation over a supply voltage range of 1.7 V to 3.6 V and a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.


數量 價格

額外包裝數量 | 包裝類型選項 這些產品完全相同,但包裝類型不同

TMP451JQDQFRQ1 現行 custom-reels 客製 可提供客製捲盤
包裝數量 | 運送包裝 3,000 | LARGE T&R
數量 | 價格 1ku | +



客製化捲盤是從一個捲盤上剪切下來的連續剪切捲帶,以維持批次和日期代碼可追溯性,依要求剪切至確切數量。依照業界標準,銅墊片會在剪切捲帶兩側連接 18 英吋前後導帶,以直接送至自動組裝機器。針對客製化捲盤訂單,TI 將酌收捲帶封裝費用。

剪切捲帶是從捲盤剪切下來的一段捲帶。TI 可能使用多條剪切捲帶或承載盒,以滿足訂單要求數量。

TI 常以盒裝或管裝、盤裝方式運送承載管裝置,視現有庫存而定。所有捲帶、管或樣本盒之封裝,皆符合公司內部靜電放電與防潮保護包裝要求。



