The bq24155 evaluation module is a complete charger module for evaluating compact, flexible, high-efficiency, USB-friendly switch-mode charge management solution for single-cell Li-ion and Li-polymer batteries used in a wide range of portable applications. The bq2415x integrates a synchronous PWM controller, power MOSFETs, input current sensing, high-accuracy current and voltage regulation, and charge termination, into a small WCSP package. The charge parameters can be programmed through an I²C interface.
- Evaluation Module For BQ24155
- High Efficiency Fully Integrated NMOS-NMOS Synchronous Buck Charger With 3 MHz Frequency
- Integrated Power FETs for Up To 1.25 A Charge Rate
- Programmable Battery Voltage, Charge Current, and Input Current via I²C Interface
- Input Operating Range 4 V - 6 V
- Boost Mode Operation for USB OTG
- LED Indication for Status Signals
- Test Points for Key Signals Available for Testing Purpose. Easy Probe Hook-up
- Jumpers Available. Easy to Change Connections.