StarterWare for ARM® and DSP based TI processors




ARM and DSP StarterWare provides C-based no-OS platform support for the ARM and DSP platforms. StarterWare provides device abstraction layer libraries, peripheral programming examples such as Ethernet, graphics and USB, and board level example applications. StarterWare can be used stand-alone or with an RTOS.

  • Peripheral programming interface
  • Example applications for each peripheral to demonstrate programming and usage of the peripheral
  • Software portability across devices for a given peripheral
  • Tool-chain agnostic C code (Some startup code will be in assembly and hence some part of the code will be tool dependent)
  • Support for Windows(R) host and Linux host
  • Support for the following tool chains:
    • Open source code generation tools (gcc) for ARM
    • TI DSP code generation tools
  • Graphics library and USB stack ported with example applications
  • Doxygen based application programming interface (API) reference guide available with delivery package


AISgen tool to convert .out to .ais
API reference guide, release notes and user guide
Application examples showing the usage of device abstraction kayer (DAL) and demonstrating the capability of the peripherals
Boot loader and flashing utility
Device abstraction layer for most of the peripherals
Out of box demo that boots from flash and demonstrates various peripherals
Pnmtoc tool to convert PNM image to C array
Registry file for Code Composer Studio(tm) (CCS) (.gel)
Wiki based user guide that provides a detailed list of instructions and helpful programming tips
bmp2c tool to convert BMP image to C array
lwIP, a free, BSD-style license, TCP/IP stack from Swedish Institute of Computer Science
out2rprc tool to create bootable application images

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Driver or library

STARTERWARE-OMAPL138 StarterWare for OMAP-L138 processors

Download options

STARTERWARE-OMAPL138 StarterWare for OMAP-L138 processors

Latest version
Release date: Jun 3, 2013

Release Information


Related design resources

Software development

CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)

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