This reference design consists of a bq77908A circuit module and a resistor cell simulator module, which can be used for simple evaluation of the IC functions used in consumer electronics applications. The reference design includes one bq77908A integrated circuit (IC), sense resistor, power FETs and all other onboard components necessary to protect the cells from overcharge, overdischarge, short circuit, and overcurrent discharge in a 8-series cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer battery pack. The circuit module connects directly across the cells in a battery. With a compatible interface board and Windows®-based PC software, the user can view the bq77908A registers and program the IC configuration and protection limits.
- # Series Cells: 4 to 8S
- Max Input Volts: 35V
- Max Charge Current: 3A
- Communication: I2C
- Automatic cell balancing, Integrated protection
- Personal computer software available for configuration