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C6000 code generation tools (CGT) - compiler

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Windows Installer for C6000 CGT

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MacOS Installer for C6000 CGT

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Linux Installer for C6000 CGT

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C6000 Compiler User Guide

C6000 Assembly Language Tools User Guide

C6000 CGT - Closed Defects

What's new

The C6000 CGT v7.4.24 release requires CCS v4 or later; it is not compatible with CCS v3. New features available in the C6000 Code Generation Tools starting with release v17.4.0 include:

  • Support for OpenMP 3.0 (an MCSDK version 2.1 or later must be used to run an OpenMP application)
  • Thread-local storage
  • Thread-safe RTS library capability
  • Performance advice for novice DSP programmers
  • Automatic load speculation (auto -mh capability)
  • C99 floating point Complex type support (float _Complex, double _Complex, long double _Complex)
  • Pack pragma

Release Information

This is a maintenance update release for the C6000 Code Generation Tools (CGT). The C6000 CGT provides software development tools including the compiler, assembler, and linker, among others, which can be used to develop applications with C/C++ source code for loading and running on C6000 core processors.