Simple Selection for Your Wide Vin DC-DC Converter Applications in Industry 4.0 Smart Systems
In today’s industry 4.0 applications, engineers strive to bring innovative approaches to creating solutions that can tolerate higher voltage and higher temperatures while shrinking PCB footprints and lowering total cost of ownership. TI’s SIMPLE SWITCHER® portfolio with over 25 years of history is the broadest dc-dc step-down portfolio for industry 4.0 applications such as robotics, industrial ethernet, machine vision, motor control, machinery, and industrial CPU modules. This session will simplify the complexity in product selection for wide Vin dc-dc converters in these applications. Attendees will learn how and when to position a dc-dc regulator versus a module solution. It covers the technical details for inductor and capacitor selection and calculation, solution size comparisons for regulator and module designs, performance comparisons of both options with the purpose of maximizing total application coverage with SIMPLE SWITCHER® solutions. This session will include many practical examples for FAEs to apply in the field.