HVAC Zone Controller with SimpleLink MSP432E4 Ethernet MCU
12 JUN 2018
This video introduces the attendees to HVAC Zone Controller and it’s advantages in a Building Automation set-up. The attendees will learn about why SimpleLink MSP432E4 Ethernet MCU and SimpleLink Platform offer a compelling solution for building a scalable Zone Controller that allows multiple connectivity options and quick time to market.
arrow-right Open product folder: http://www.ti.com/product/msp432e401y -
arrow-right Order SimpleLink Ethernet LaunchPad: http://www.ti.com/tool/msp-exp432e401y -
arrow-right Download SimpleLink MSP432E4 Ethernet SDK: http://ti.com/tool/simplelink-msp432-sdk -
arrow-right Download SimpleLink SDK 15.4 Stack Plugin: http://www.ti.com/tool/simplelink-sdk-ti-15-4-stack-plugin