Process This: Experience 8 TOPS of Edge AI Performance Using a $199 Starter Kit
30 AUG 2021
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to bring smart cameras, robots and intelligent machines to life with our new TDA4VM processor starter kit. Offering a fast setup process and an assortment of foundational demos and tutorials, SK-TDA4VM lets you begin prototyping a vision-based application in less than an hour. (Sensor fusion applications are supported with a separately purchased add-on card.) The kit enables 8 TOPS of deep learning performance and hardware-accelerated edge AI processing without any hand-tooling. You can unleash high-speed AI in your embedded application only using only Linux and industry standard APIs (TensorFlow Lite, ONNX Runtime, TVM, GStreamer, Docker, ROS, OpenGL ES).
Webinar topics:
- Overview of SK-TDA4VM – a new $199 starter kit for edge AI applications, offering 8 TOPS deep learning performance
- Overview of TI Edge AI Cloud – a free online tool for deep learning evaluation
- Step-be-step instructions you can follow today to create and deploy a simple AI “Hello World” application with basic intelligence
- Demonstration on how to accelerate deep learning inference using only Python and industry standard APIs
- How to get started today evaluating and developing an intelligent application with TI
This video is part of a series
Process this: Edge AI technology topics
video-playlist (10 videos)