Webinar: Introduction to the TI Arm Clang Compiler
21 OCT 2021
The software tools industry is moving towards compilers based on LLVM/Clang open source technology, because it has a proven track record of producing high quality compilers for a wide variety of environments. By introducing the TI Arm Clang Compiler, TI joins this movement. TI combines this technology with 30+ years of experience with creating compilers for embedded systems. The move to tiarmclang allows you to optimize code size and reduce compile times. With improvements over GCC, you have the opportunity to leverage additional features. Through our discussion you will learn how the TI ARM Clang compiler facilitates the following:
- Generating the smallest code and data size
- Leveraging code first written for GCC
- Staying up-to-date with all C and C++ standards
- Making Functional Safety Development Easier using Code Coverage
- Migrating from armcl (TI’s proprietary compiler)