Process This: Discover the analytics capabilities of TI's NEW Arm®-based AM62x processors
Product innovation is happening at lightning speed. So, it’s more important than ever to develop new products with better features so you can keep up with the competition. Our recently announced AM62x Arm®-based processors are our most power efficient and affordable processors for edge AI. Whether it’s HMI, EV charging or IoT, get a leg up on the competition by quickly adding new smart features to your designs.
AM62x processors are equipped with Arm Cortex®-A53 cores that enable computer vision functions such as object detection and facial recognition. The Arm cores provide flexible processing and are easily programmed with open-source software and tools, such as mainline Linux and TensorFlow.
In this episode of Process This, learn more about these new products and the accessible AI software tools we offer to implement advanced intelligence in your embedded devices.
- Discover the analytic functions of ARM A53s: People detection, Face detection, Signal processing, and more
- Review our Sitara Portfolio and edge AI tools
- Am62x lowers the barrier for Edge AI implementation in Industrial Automation
- AI offerings: MulticoreWare and PlummerAI offerings