Designing a flyback DC/DC converter - Guidelines for topology selection
17 AUG 2023
This first video of a six video series gives on overview on the basic non-isolated converter topologies. It shows which converter topologies can be derived from the inverting buck-boost converter. The focus is then on the most popular 2 topologies out of this list: flyback and SEPIC. When you have viewed this video, you should know when a flyback converter is a good choice for your power supply and when the SEPIC gives you a better result.
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download Get the details on a flyback converter design in the application report -
download For several devices you can find quickstart calculators, e.g. for LM5155 here: -
arrow-right Read more about the technical challenges of flyback converters in "Under the hood of flyback SMPS designs"
This video is part of a series
Designing a flyback DC/DC converter
video-playlist (3 videos)