SNIA053 june   2023 TMP61-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Heat Sink Temperature Sensor Monitoring
  5. 2Test Overview
    1. 2.1 Hardware
      1. 2.1.1 Keysight E3631A Power Supply
      2. 2.1.2 Sorensen DCS 40-25E Programmable DC Power Supply
      3. 2.1.3 B&K Precision 8500 DC Electronic Load
      4. 2.1.4 TDS3014B Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope
      5. 2.1.5 Fluke TiS60+ Thermal Imager
      6. 2.1.6 MSP430F5529LP LaunchPad
    2. 2.2 Isolated Gate Driver
    3. 2.3 IGBT Module
    4. 2.4 NTC Ring Lug
    5. 2.5 TMP6 Ring Lug
    6. 2.6 Schematic
  6. 3Test Implementation
    1. 3.1 Data Collected
    2. 3.2 Test Results
  7. 4Design Recommendations
    1. 4.1 Ring Lugs for the TMP6
    2. 4.2 Thermal Epoxy
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References

Ring Lugs for the TMP6

Choosing a ring lug to create a ring lug style type thermistor requires evaluating several dimensions. This document covers the dimensions of the TMP6 LPG (TO92-S) package. Key dimensions of the TMP61 LPG package are a width of 3.9 mm – 4.1 mm across the package, a length of 1.42 mm – 1.62 mm from front to back of the package, and a distance of 2.44 mm to 2.64 mm between leads. The dominant dimensions are the width of 3.9 mm – 4.1 mm and the length of 1.42 mm – 1.62 mm. These dimensions determine which ring lugs are available for a given application.

GUID-6B9E2371-0024-4B9D-A524-A0BFF524B51E-low.gif Figure 4-1 LPG (TO-92S) Package Outline
GUID-D69C559B-8CFE-4F8B-B04C-7405B69DFA98-low.jpg Figure 4-2 JST 8-4

The data sheet for JST solderless non-insulated ring tongue terminals, provides many dimensions to consider for your design. The stud size is important depending on where you want to mount the ring lug terminal. Depending on the screw in use, the dimension d2 can also be helpful. Concerning the width of the TMP6 thermistor, verify that the width inside the ring tongue allows for the thermistor to fit inside (dimension d1).

From Figure 4-2, a good recommendation for a non-insulated ring tongue is the JST8-XX family. The JST8-4 can be a good fit because this ring tongue has an inside width of 4.5 mm that the TMP6 can fit within the ring tongue and leaves room for adding a thermal epoxy. The JST8-4 is also a size M4 stud size which allows enough room for mounting to heat sinks in your application.