Jorjin Technologies

Wireless system-on-module provider

Founded in 1997, Jorjin began as a manufacturer of SoM (system-on-modules) and SiP (system-in-package) products, eventually to become the largest supplier in the global market. As a logical next step, given the unstoppable trend of wearables and IIoT concepts in the near future, Jorjin has put its experience accumulated over 20 years regarding wireless, central processing, imagery and sensory equipment behind this wave, to provide smart glasses and IIoT solutions.

Wi-Fi 產品
CC3300 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi 6 配套 IC CC3301 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi 6 和 Bluetooth® 低耗能配套 IC
  • 子卡
  • 北美
  • 17F, No 239, Sec. 1, Datong Rd.
  • Xizhi Dist.
  • New Taipei City, Taiwan, 22161
  • China



JRJN-3P-WIRELESS-MODULES — Jorjin Technologies 無線模組

以 TI 的 CC330x 無線連線產品為基礎,Jorjin 的模組可提供 Wi-Fi 與 Bluetooth® 低耗能共存互通性與 TI 的省電技術。

Jorjin 專精於系統模組 (SoM) 和系統級封裝 (SiP) 產品,並聚焦於穿戴式裝置與 IIoT 概念,提供無線網際網路、Bluetooth 和其它感測器解決方案。


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