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Matriz de transistor Darlington de 50 V y 7 canales con capacidad de entrada de 15 V, de -40 °C a 10

Detalles del producto

Drivers per package 7 Switching voltage (max) (V) 50 Output voltage (max) (V) 50 Peak output current (A) 0.5 Delay time (typ) (ns) 250 Input compatibility CMOS, TTL Vol at lowest spec current (typ) (mV) 900 Iout/ch (max) (mA) 500 Iout_off (typ) (µA) 50 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 FET Internal Imax (A) 0.5 Device type Low-side switches Function Automotive load dump compatibility, Inductive load compatibility
Drivers per package 7 Switching voltage (max) (V) 50 Output voltage (max) (V) 50 Peak output current (A) 0.5 Delay time (typ) (ns) 250 Input compatibility CMOS, TTL Vol at lowest spec current (typ) (mV) 900 Iout/ch (max) (mA) 500 Iout_off (typ) (µA) 50 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 FET Internal Imax (A) 0.5 Device type Low-side switches Function Automotive load dump compatibility, Inductive load compatibility
PDIP (N) 16 181.42 mm² 19.3 x 9.4 SOIC (D) 16 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6 SOP (NS) 16 79.56 mm² 10.2 x 7.8
  • 500-mA-Rated Collector Current (Single Output)
  • High-Voltage Outputs . . . 50 V
  • Output Clamp Diodes
  • Inputs Compatible With Various Types of Logic
  • Relay-Driver Applications

  • 500-mA-Rated Collector Current (Single Output)
  • High-Voltage Outputs . . . 50 V
  • Output Clamp Diodes
  • Inputs Compatible With Various Types of Logic
  • Relay-Driver Applications

The ULN2004AI is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. This device consists of seven npn Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The collector-current rating of a single Darlington pair is 500 mA. The Darlington pairs can be paralleled for higher-current capability. Applications include relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, display drivers (LED and gas discharge), line drivers, and logic buffers.

The ULN2004AI has a 10.5-k. series base resistor for each Darlington pair for operation directly with TTL or 5-V CMOS devices.

The ULN2004AI is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. This device consists of seven npn Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The collector-current rating of a single Darlington pair is 500 mA. The Darlington pairs can be paralleled for higher-current capability. Applications include relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, display drivers (LED and gas discharge), line drivers, and logic buffers.

The ULN2004AI has a 10.5-k. series base resistor for each Darlington pair for operation directly with TTL or 5-V CMOS devices.

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ULN2004A ACTIVO Matriz de transistor Darlington de 50 V y 7 canales con capacidad de entrada de 15 V, de -20 °C a 70 Lower temperature rating (-40C to 70C)

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* Data sheet ULN2004AI datasheet 01 abr 2004

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PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)
Paquete Pasadores Descargar
PDIP (N) 16 Ver opciones
SOIC (D) 16 Ver opciones
SOP (NS) 16 Ver opciones

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  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
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  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
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