SBOU283 June   2022


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
    1. 1.1 EVM Kit List
    2. 1.2 Main EVM Elements
    3. 1.3 Operational Modes
      1. 1.3.1 Operational Mode 1
      2. 1.3.2 Operational Mode 2
      3. 1.3.3 Operational Modes 3 and 4
  4. 2EVM GUI
    1. 2.1 System Requirements
    2. 2.2 Installation
    3. 2.3 GUI Home Page
    4. 2.4 SCB Firmware
    5. 2.5 Data Plot
  5. 3Schematic
  6. 4Layout
  7. 5Bill of Materials

Data Plot

Use the data plot page to view the raw data of the button presses after the EVM is in the proper mode. Click COLLECT DATA to start the EVM data collection. When data collection starts, the EVM ignores inputs on the magnetic dial and only processes the inductive touch buttons for the mode it is currently in (left side for mode 3 and right side for mode 4).

GUID-20220511-SS0I-32XK-PCMC-DJNFLKTBMTNQ-low.pngFigure 2-7 GUI Data Page.

To stop the data collection, click STOP COLLECT. This will also resume the EVM's processing of the magnetic dial. When data is collected, the plot can be saved or cleared using the respective button. Lastly, the number of samples collected as well as the scale for the data can be changed for the data collection. The data plot will not clear when changing the operational mode so it should be manually cleared when switching from mode 3 to mode 4.