SCDA044 January   2023 TMUX1308


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Simplifying the Sourcing Strategy
    1. 1.1 Cost Savings and Increased Flexibility
    2. 1.2 Placement and Routing Tips
    3. 1.3 Example Secondary Footprints
    4. 1.4 Using Multiple Devices to Create Desired Multiplexer Configuration
  4. 2Summary
  5. 3References

Cost Savings and Increased Flexibility

Larger packages are typically more expensive than smaller ones due to the greater amount of materials needed to produce them. This is especially true of older, legacy packages. Being able to choose the smaller, more cost-effective option of a given device lowers the BOM costs. Another advantage is avoiding increased costs and lost revenue due to semiconductor manufacturers not being able to meet supply demand.

The secondary footprint allows for effortless migration to the next generation signal switches and multiplexers. When newer versions of current multiplexers are released, smaller package sizes are often the first to become available. Having the ability to switch to the latest version without making a new PCB revision saves time and money.