SBOA551 June   2022 INA240


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2One, Versus Two Reference Pins
  5. 3Bidirectional Current Sense Amplifier Topologies
    1. 3.1 Single-Stage Difference Amplifier
    2. 3.2 Difference Amplifier Input Followed by Noninverting Output Buffer
    3. 3.3 Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage Difference Amplifier
    4. 3.4 Single-Stage Current Feedback
    5. 3.5 Current Feedback Multi-Stage Difference Amplifier
    6. 3.6 Isolated Bidirectional Current Sensors
  6. 4Options for Driving Reference Pins and Input Referred Reference Error
  7. 5Resistor Divider as Reference
    1. 5.1 Resistor Divider and Equivalent Circuit
    2. 5.2 Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier
    3. 5.3 Reference Source Impedance Error in Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    4. 5.4 Reference Source Impedance Error in Current Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    5. 5.5 Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier with Output Buffer
  8. 6Examples
    1. 6.1 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier
    2. 6.2 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    3. 6.3 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Current Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
  9. 7Summary

Resistor Divider and Equivalent Circuit

Figure 5-1(a) shows a resistor divider is used to generate the reference voltage, which is defined by Equation 7 when the contribution from VS is considered:

Equation 7. Vref=Rb//Ri+RfRa+Rb//Ri+RfVS

Figure 5-1(b) shows the Thevenin’s equivalent with the following parameters:

Equation 8. V r e f _ x = R b R a + R b V s
Equation 9. Rx=Ra//Rb
Figure 5-1 Resistor Divider and its Equivalent

The Thevenin’s equivalent circuit also represents situations where the reference voltage source has finite output impedance. This circuit is used in the next sections.