SLVA267B Mar   2007  – September 2018 MSP430F427 , TLC5940 , TLC5940-EP , TLC5941


  1.   Grayscale and Dot-Corrected LED Display Using TLC5941 and MSP430F427
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 TLC5941 Driver Implementation Using the MSP430F427
    4. 3 TLC5941 Driver Firmware Code
    5. 4 Modified Blank Signal
    6. 5 Driving Additional LEDs
    7. 6 Schematics
    8. 7 Conclusion
    9. 8 References
  2.   Revision History

TLC5941 Driver Firmware Code

TLC5941 COMMUNICATIONS FIRMWARE ; ;Scot Lester ;Texas Instruments Incorporated ;February 2008 ; ;This firmware was written for the MSP430F427 ; ;The hardware is configured to have one general ;purpose I/O port (GPIO) configured as all bits being ;outputs. For this example, 6 bits of port one are used to ;drive the TLC5941. Each of the six used GPIO pins of the MSP430 ;are connected as follows: ; ; PIN NAME TLC5941 FUNCTION ; ; P1.0 BLANK ; P1.1 GSCLK=2MHz ; P1.2 SCLK ; P1.3 XLATCH ; P1.4 MODE ; P1.5 SIN ; P1.6 not used ; P1.7 not used ; #include "msp430x42x.h" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Definition of named constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BLANK (0x01) #define SCLK (0x04) #define XLAT (0x08) #define MODE (0x10) #define SIN (0x20) ;P1OUT is equal to the memory address of output port. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RESERVED RAM MEMORY FOR VARIABLES ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Dot Correction values are stored sequentially in 8 bit bytes. ; The TLC5941 only needs 6 bits of dot correction data so the ; dot correction data is stored left justified in the 8 bit byte ; the two least significant bits of each 8 bit byte are set ; to zero in this example but the firmware ignores these ; two bits so they can be any value. ; For example, a binary dot correction value of 101010b = 0x2A ; is stored as 10101000b = 0xA8 ORG 0200h ; Start of RAM EVEN ; Align data on even boundary Dot DB 0xFC ;CH0 DB 0xFC ;CH1 DB 0xF4 ;CH2 DB 0xF8 ;CH3 DB 0xF8 ;CH4 DB 0xFC ;CH5 DB 0xF4 ;CH6 DB 0xF0 ;CH7 DB 0xF4 ;CH8 DB 0xFC ;CH9 DB 0xFC ;CH10 DB 0xFC ;CH11 DB 0xF8 ;CH12 DB 0xF4 ;CH13 DB 0xF4 ;CH14 DB 0xF8 ;CH15 ; ; ; Grayscale values are stored sequentially in 16 bit words. ; The TLC5941 only needs 12 bits of grayscale so the ; grayscale data is stored left justified in the 16 bit word ; the four least significant bits of each 16 bit word are set ; to zero in this example but the firmware ignores these ; four bits so they can be any value. ; For example, a hex grayscale value of 0xFFF ; is stored as 0xFFF0 ; Grayscale DW 0xAFF0 ;CH0 DW 0xF000 ;CH1 DW 0xF000 ;CH2 DW 0xC000 ;CH3 DW 0xD400 ;CH4 DW 0xE000 ;CH5 DW 0xB000 ;CH6 DW 0xF000 ;CH7 DW 0xFFF0 ;CH8 DW 0x0000 ;CH9 DW 0x0000 ;CH10 DW 0x13F0 ;CH11 DW 0x2380 ;CH12 DW 0xE980 ;CH13 DW 0x0450 ;CH14 DW 0xBA30 ;CH15 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ORG 0C000h ; Starting Address of Program Space ;----------------------------------------------------------------- RESET ;reset jump vector jumps to here to start execution. ; ;Program execution begins here after power up and reset ;Typical start up routines should be located here. ;Routines to initialize the stack pointer, watch dog timers, parallel I/O ;ports etc. etc. ;the General Purpose I/O port (P1) needs to be configured with bits 0:5 ;set to outputs. At initialization, all output bits should be cleared to zero. ;this is not shown since it is processor specific. ;Bit P1.1 has a special configuration. The output bit is driven by the ;MSP’s internal oscillator which is set to 2MHz. This drives the ;grayscale clock of the TLC5941. Since the output signal is simply the ;system clock, there is no need for the firmware to manipulate this bit. ;The grayscale clock will run continuously. MOV.W #600h,SP ;Initialize stack pointer to location 600 hex MOV.W #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop Watchdog Timer BIS.B #0xFF,&P1DIR ;make all port one GPIO pins outputs BIS.B #0x02,&P1SEL ;p1.1 = peripheral module output for GSCLK signal. MOV.B #0x00,&P1OUT ;Initialize all outputs to zero BIC #GIE,SR ;Turn all interrupts off ;The following commands configure several clocks that are specific to the ;MSP430F427. These commands configure an internal phase locked loop (PLL) ;to generate a 2MHz stem clock from a 32.768KHz external crystal. MOV.B #63,&SCFQCTL ;set MCLK=64*ACLK or 2MHz MOV.B #FN_2,&SCFI0 ;set DCO range BIS.B #02,&FLL_CTL1 ;set ACLK/4 BIC.B #01,&FLL_CTL1 ;set ACLK/4 BIS.B #XCAP18PF,&FLL_CTL0 ;Set load capacitance for xtal ;The following is a delay loop. This delay is needed to wait until the ;crystal oscillator is stable before continuing to execute code. This ;step is MSP430 specific. MOV.W #10000,R15 ;Initial value for a delay loop Xtal_Wait DEC R15 ;Delay for 32 kHz crystal to JNZ Xtal_Wait ;stabilize ;*********************************** ;SET UP TIMER TO MAKE BLANK SIGNAL ;*********************************** ; ;This section sets up a 16 bit timer with interrupt capability. The timer ;is configured to count up to the decimal number 4097. The timer clock signal ;is supplied by the system clock which is also the GSCLK. The timer will count 4097 ;GSCLKS and then initiate an interrupt. The timer automatically clears to zero ;then starts to count again to 4097. ;The interrupt routine simply toggles the ;Parallel I/O pin that is connected to the BLANK signal of the TLC5941. ;The TLC5941 will receive 4096 GSCLKS and then get a pulse on the BLANK ;pin to reset the internal counters of the TLC5941 ; MOV.W #OUTMOD_3+CCIE,&CCTL0 ;CCR1 toggle/set MOV.W #4097,&CCR0 ;load timer value MOV.W #TASSEL_2+MC_1,&TACTL ;SMCLK, up mode BIS.W #GIE,SR ;enable timer interrupt for BLANK signal ;since the grayscale clock run continuously, this timer is used to automatically ;send out BLANK signals to start new display frames. ;This method makes the grayscale clocking transparent to the rest of the ;firmware. ;*********************************** ;SEND DC AND GS DATA TO TLC5941 ;*********************************** CALL #DCOUT ;call routine to move dot correction ;data to TLC5941 CALL #GSOUT ;call routine to move grayscale ;data to TLC5941 mainloop NOP JMP mainloop ;infinite loop when done ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SUBROUTINES ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;*************************************** ;SEND GRAYSCALE DATA TO TLC5941 ;*************************************** ; ;shift out Grayscale data stored in RAM to TLC5941 ;clocks out as MSB of channel 15 first then works down through bytes in memory ;shifts of 12 bits per channel for a total of 192 bits. ; GSOUT MOV.W #16,R12 ;Register 12 is a loop counter. ;Loop through 16 LEDs. MOV.W #Grayscale,R13 ;load register 13 with the starting address of the ;grayscale data stored in RAM. R13 will point to the ;byte to shift out. ADD.W #32,R13 ;Add 32 to the pointer so that R13 points to the byte after ;the last byte in the grayscale table. The first instruction ;in the following loop is a decrement instruction that will ;make R13 point at the last byte in the table. ltagsdt DEC.W R13 ;decrease the address pointer by one byte MOV.B #08,R9 ;Load register R9 with the number of bits to shift out ;this value will be passed to the SHIFTOUT subroutine ;R13 points to the MSB first in memory so there are 8 ;bits to shift out. MOV.W R13,R8 ;Copy address pointer to R8.The SHIFTOUT ;routine uses R8 to point to the byte to shift out. CALL #SHIFTOUT ;call subroutine to shift out data DEC.W R13 ;decrement pointer one byte to point to LSB byte MOV.B #0x04,R9 ;load R9 with the number of bits in the second byte ;to shift out. Only four bits remain to be shifted MOV.W R13,R8 ;Copy address pointer to R8. The SHIFTOUT ;routine uses R8 to point to the byte to shift out. CALL #SHIFTOUT ;call subroutine to shift out data DEC.W R12 ;decrement loop counter by one JNZ ltadcdt ;jump if not zero to continue looping BIS.B #XLAT,&P1OUT ;set the I/O pin for XLATCH high to latch ;serial data into the TLC5941 BIC.B #XLAT,&P1OUT ;set XLATCH back to zero BIS.B #SCLK,&P1OUT ;set the I/O pin for SLCK high to ;give SCLK one extra pulse after XLATCH ;this is only required if the previous dat sent ;to the TLC5941 was dot correction information BIS.B #SCLK,&P1OUT ;set I/O pin for SCLK back to zero RET ;return from subroutine ;******************************************* ;SEND DOT CORRECTION DATA TO TLC5941 ;******************************************* ; ; ;shift out dot correction data stored in ram to TLC5941 ;clocks out as MSB of channel 15 first then works down through bytes in memory ;shifts 6 bits per LED channel or 96 bits total. ;This routine is very similar to the Grayscale routine. The DCOUT and GSOUT ;routines could be combined together for some memory space savings by ;using some flags and conditional statements. DCOUT BIS.B #MODE,&P1OUT ;set I/O line that is tied to the MODE pin of ;the TLC5941 pin to one to enter DC mode MOV.W #16,R12 ;Register 12 is a loop counter. Loop through 16 LEDs. MOV.W #Dot,R13 ;load register 13 with the starting address of the ;dot correction data stored in RAM. R13 will point to the ;byte to shift out ADD.W #16,R13 ;Add 16 to the pointer so that R13 points to the byte after ;the last byte in the dot correction table. The first ;instruction in the following loop is a decrement instruction ;that will make R13 point at the last byte in the table. ltadcdt DEC.W R13 ;decrease the address pointer by one byte MOV.B #06,R9 ;Load register R9 with the number of bits to shift out ;this value will be passed to the SHIFTOUT subroutine ;there are 6 bits to shift out MOV.W R13,R8 ;Copy address pointer to R8.The SHIFTOUT ;routine uses R8 to point to the byte to shift out. CALL #SHIFTOUT ;call subroutine to shift out data DEC.W R12 ;decrement loop counter by one JNZ ltadcdt ;jump if not zero to continue looping BIS.B #XLAT,&P1OUT ;set the I/O pin for XLATCH high to latch ;serial data into the TLC5941 BIC.B #XLAT,&P1OUT ;set XLATCH back to zero BIC.B #10h,&P1OUT ;set the I/O line that is tied to the MODE pin of ;the TLC5941 pin to zero to set back to ;grayscale mode RET ;return from subroutine ;************************************* ; SHIFT DATA OUT ROUTINE ;************************************* ; ;clock variable number of bits to TLC5941. ;clocks out as most significant bit first then works down through byte ;r8 = address of byte containing data to shift (word length) ;r9 = number of bits 1-8 to shift out (byte length) ;r10 used for temporary storage for shifting ; ;This routine shifts out a variable number of bits from a byte ;stored in the location pointed to by R8. The data to be sent ;is stored left aligned to the most significant bit. ;For example, a 6 bit value of 0x3F would be stored as 0xFC ;with the two least significant bits set to zero. ; ;Registers R8 and R9 are used to pass parameters to this routine. ;Prior to calling this routine, R8 should contain the address of the ;byte of data to be shifted out. R9 should contain the number of bits ;that need to be shifted out. ;R9 will be used as a loop counter in this routine. The contents of R9 ;will not be preserved when returning form this routine. SHIFTOUT MOV.B @r8,r10 ;move the byte stored in the memory location ;pointed to by register 8 into register 10 ctbit BIC.B #SIN,&P1OUT ;clear the bit controlling SIN to zero BIT.B #80h,R10 ;test state of the most significant bit ;of the data remaining to be shifted out ;since we shift the MSB first, the software ;looks at the MSB of R10 to decide what data ;to shift out. JZ sdateq0 ;if the bit to shift out is a zero then skip ahead ;because SIN was previously set to zero BIS.B #SIN,&P1OUT ;The data to shift out is a one so set the bit ;controlling SIN to a one sdateq0 BIS.B #SCLK,&P1OUT ;set the bit controlling SCLK to a one BIC.B #SCLK,&P1OUT ;clear the bit controlling SCLK to a zero ;the last two commands pulse the SCLK ;signal which latches the data on SIN into ;the shift register of the TLC5941 RLA.B R10 ;shift the data stored in register 10 ;one bit left.The LSB of R10 will have a zero ;shifted in. DEC.B R9 ;decrement number of bits to send JNZ ctbit ;jump if not zero. continue until all bits are sent RET ;return from subroutine ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; INTERRUPT ROUTINES ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;ISR: Interrupt Service Routine for Timer ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;timer interrupt routine ;when the timer count reaches 4097 it will issue an ;interrupt. The processor jumps to here to service the interrupt. ;This interrupt routine toggles the bit controlling the BLANK ;pin of the TLC5941. When the BLANK line of the TLC5941, ;it resets the internal grayscale counter and starts a new ;grayscale frame. ; BIS.B #BLANK,&P1OUT ;Toggle bit controlling BLANK BIC.B #BLANK,&P1OUT ;signal. First high then low. RETI ;Return from ISR ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Interrupt Vectors ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;this segment is used to define the interrupt vectors in memory ; ORG 0FFFEh ; RESET Vector DW RESET ; ORG 0FFECh ; Timer Interrupt Vector DW ISR ; END