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Optecks, LLC
DLP optical, electronic & software solution provider
Optecks is a Texas Instruments Authorized Design House based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA that is dedicated to providing both standard and customized solutions for DLP-based systems and products in a wide variety of applications. DLP technology is being employed in a continually growing variety of important and high profile applications, including a variety of displays, 3D printing, DLP-based spectroscopy, 3D machine vision, Lithography, and the manipulation and control of lasers. Optecks is uniquely positioned to provide the technical expertise and resources needed to develop Optical, Electronic and Software solutions to your application.
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- Módulo óptico
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- Software de aplicación y estructura
- América del Norte
- 4502 E. 41st Street
- 4W138
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74135
- United States
OPTECKS-3P-RAY65 — Optecks RAY 65S, módulo óptico para DLP LightCrafter 6500
OPTECKS-3P-RAY70 — Optecks RAY 70A, Módulo óptico para DLP7000
OPTECKS-3P-SPARKNIR — Motor óptico Telecentric NIR de Optecks
The SPARK NIR telecentric optical engine is designed for the 0.65” digital micro-mirror devices with 16:9 aspect ratio such as the DLP650LNIR. All optical components have a high-quality anti-reflection (AR) coating within 600 - 1050 nm spectrum. The SPARK optical engine has the capability of (...)
OPTECKS-3P-TNIR — DLP(R) NIRscan Nano Transmissive EVM (módulos y placas de evaluación)
The DLP NIRscan nano transmissive EVM is designed for performing spectroscopic measurements on samples in the near infrared spectrum. The high performance transmissive module positions a sample between the illuminating source and the input of the NIRscan Nano to allow spectroscopic measurements (...)