Multicoreware Inc.

Provider of AI and ML software

MulticoreWare delivers software IP Solutions and Engineering Services serving a wide group of customers with Compilers & Toolchains, Libraries for SDK, Video codec and AI analytics solutions using various vision & non-vision (Radar, LiDAR, IMU, GPS, etc.) sensors on various heterogenous computing platforms. Our solutions are used in Automotive (ADAS/AD), Surveillance, Defence, Medical Imaging, IoT, Retail, Logistics, Industrial, Robotics, Smart City. MulticoreWare’s industry-leading video codec products (x266™/x265/Ultraziq) have been deployed in live streaming or VOD services across many broadcast customers.

Arm 式處理器
AM620-Q1 適用於駕駛監控、網路和 V2X 系統且具備嵌入式安全性的汽車運算 SoC AM623 具有 Arm® Cortex®-A53 型物體與手勢辨識功能的物聯網 (IoT) 與閘道 SoC AM625 配備 Arm® Cortex®-A53 型邊緣 AI 與 Full-HD 雙顯示器的人機互動 SoC
  • 支援軟體
  • 中國
  • 北美
  • 印度
  • 4010 Moorpark Avenue
  • #228
  • San Jose, California, 95117
  • United States



MCW-3P-FACEREC — 適用於臉部辨識、驗證及人類行為分析的 MulticoreWare 軟體

MulticoreWare is a software engineering product and services company that combines its expertise in artificial intelligence and embedded systems to create Linux-based solutions to solve real world challenges in imaging, building automation, retail, authentication, smart city and a variety of (...)


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