
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise, Industrial, PC Features High precision, High speed
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise, Industrial, PC Features High precision, High speed
SOT-5X3 (DTS) 8 2.52 mm² 2.1 x 1.2
  • High-precision, high-speed color light-to-digital conversion over high-speed I2C interface
  • Four channel sensing using precision optical filters:
    • Three channels with peak responses in red, green and blue wavelengths and >99.99% NIR rejection (850 nm)
    • Clear wide bandwidth channel
  • High resolution RGB color measurement
  • Semi-logarithmic output with seven binary logarithmic full-scale light range and highly linear response within each range
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition with excellent gain matching between ranges
  • 26 bits of effective dynamic range from 2.15 mlux to 144 klux
  • 12 configurable conversion times from 600 µs to 800 ms per channel is an excellent choice for a wide variety of high speed and high precision applications
  • External pin interrupt for hardware synchronized trigger and interrupts
  • Low operating current: 24 µA
  • Ultra-low power standby: 2 µA
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/Os
  • Selectable I2C address
  • Small-form factor:
    • 2.1 mm × 1.9 mm × 0.6 mm SOT-5X3 package
  • High-precision, high-speed color light-to-digital conversion over high-speed I2C interface
  • Four channel sensing using precision optical filters:
    • Three channels with peak responses in red, green and blue wavelengths and >99.99% NIR rejection (850 nm)
    • Clear wide bandwidth channel
  • High resolution RGB color measurement
  • Semi-logarithmic output with seven binary logarithmic full-scale light range and highly linear response within each range
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition with excellent gain matching between ranges
  • 26 bits of effective dynamic range from 2.15 mlux to 144 klux
  • 12 configurable conversion times from 600 µs to 800 ms per channel is an excellent choice for a wide variety of high speed and high precision applications
  • External pin interrupt for hardware synchronized trigger and interrupts
  • Low operating current: 24 µA
  • Ultra-low power standby: 2 µA
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/Os
  • Selectable I2C address
  • Small-form factor:
    • 2.1 mm × 1.9 mm × 0.6 mm SOT-5X3 package

The OPT4060 is a single-chip high resolution color sensor, capable of measuring four channels each with specific engineered spectral responses. Three of the four channels have peak spectral responses in the red, green and blue wavelengths with the fourth channel having a wide band spectral response. With measurements from these channels, important characteristics of the lighting environment can be extracted like (i) light intensity (lux) and (ii) color. The OPT4060 is available in a small SOT-5X3 package.

The OPT4060 has a selectable addressing scheme to enable up to four devices on a shared I2C bus. The spectral response of the channels have been specially tuned for color detection, with strong rejection for wavelengths away from their respective peaks, especially the NIR (850 nm and 940 nm) region. The filters use an advanced filter technology which provides excellent filter performance even at higher angles of light incidence.

The engineered optical filter on OPT4060 provides strong infrared rejection, which aids in maintaining high accuracy, despite placing the sensor under dark glass, which is a common requirement from the industrial design of end products due to aesthetics.

The OPT4060 is designed for systems that require light level detection to enhance user experience by providing information not only about the intensity, but the color of the illumination.

The OPT4060 device can be configured to operate with light conversion times all the way from 600 µs to 800 ms in 12 steps per channel, providing system flexibility based on application need. Conversion time includes the light integration time and ADC conversion time. Resolution of the measurement is determined by a combination of light intensity and the integration time, effectively bringing in capability to measure down to 2.15 mlux.

The digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or triggered in one shots with register writes or hardware pin. The device features a threshold detection logic, which allows the processor to sleep while the sensor watches for appropriate wake-up event to report through the interrupt pin.

Digital output, representing the light level is reported over an I2C and SMBus compatible, two-wire serial interface.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT4060 helps enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

The OPT4060 is a single-chip high resolution color sensor, capable of measuring four channels each with specific engineered spectral responses. Three of the four channels have peak spectral responses in the red, green and blue wavelengths with the fourth channel having a wide band spectral response. With measurements from these channels, important characteristics of the lighting environment can be extracted like (i) light intensity (lux) and (ii) color. The OPT4060 is available in a small SOT-5X3 package.

The OPT4060 has a selectable addressing scheme to enable up to four devices on a shared I2C bus. The spectral response of the channels have been specially tuned for color detection, with strong rejection for wavelengths away from their respective peaks, especially the NIR (850 nm and 940 nm) region. The filters use an advanced filter technology which provides excellent filter performance even at higher angles of light incidence.

The engineered optical filter on OPT4060 provides strong infrared rejection, which aids in maintaining high accuracy, despite placing the sensor under dark glass, which is a common requirement from the industrial design of end products due to aesthetics.

The OPT4060 is designed for systems that require light level detection to enhance user experience by providing information not only about the intensity, but the color of the illumination.

The OPT4060 device can be configured to operate with light conversion times all the way from 600 µs to 800 ms in 12 steps per channel, providing system flexibility based on application need. Conversion time includes the light integration time and ADC conversion time. Resolution of the measurement is determined by a combination of light intensity and the integration time, effectively bringing in capability to measure down to 2.15 mlux.

The digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or triggered in one shots with register writes or hardware pin. The device features a threshold detection logic, which allows the processor to sleep while the sensor watches for appropriate wake-up event to report through the interrupt pin.

Digital output, representing the light level is reported over an I2C and SMBus compatible, two-wire serial interface.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT4060 helps enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
OPT4048 現行 高速、高精確度三刺激 XYZ 色彩感測器 With CIE 1931 color space matching filter


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 5
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet OPT4060 High-Speed High- Sensitivity RGBW Color Sensor datasheet PDF | HTML 2023年 6月 21日
EVM User's guide LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Light Source EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024年 11月 20日
Application brief How to Select a Light Sensor for Your Application (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2024年 1月 19日
Application brief Choosing Between RGB and XYZ Color Sensors for Adaptive Lighting Adjustments PDF | HTML 2023年 12月 22日
Certificate OPT4060DTSEVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2023年 3月 15日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


OPT4060DTSEVM — 適用於採用 DTS 封裝的高速 RGBC 色彩數位感測器的 OPT4060 評估模組

OPT4060DTSEVM 是用於評估 OPT4060、高速、高精密度、RGBW 色彩感測器的平台,可在各種照明條件下及各種覆蓋材料的後方使用。OPT4060DTSEVM 由兩個 PCB 組成。第一個是 OPTMBEVM 電路板,其中包含可與執行 GUI 評估軟體的電腦通訊的 USB 介面、插入試樣卡的插座,以及作為 PC 與插入插座之裝置間橋接器的 MSP430 微處理器。此電路板也為光源感測器供電,並在光線感測器和電腦之間傳送和接收適當的數位訊號。第二個電路板為 OPT4060 試樣卡,其包含 OPT4060 及去耦電容器。試樣卡插入的主機板,允許在插入時使用 TI (...)

使用指南: PDF | HTML
TI.com 無法提供

LIGHTSOURCE01EVM — 適用於校準 TI 周圍光源感測器評估模組的穩定光源

LIGHTSOURCE01EVM 是穩定且一致的光源,可用於校準周圍光源感測器 (ALS) 和色彩感測器。此光源專為在生產環境中使用而設計,可校準和測試內含 TI 光源感測器的最終產品。此穩定光源可用於模擬日落 (4200K CCT) 和中午 (6400K CCT) 照明模式。光源均勻且恆定,光輸出隨時間的變化小於 ±1%,且 1 英寸直徑區域均勻度變化小於 ±1%。照明程度和模式可透過光源 EVM GUI 調整。

使用指南: PDF | HTML
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOT-5X3 (DTS) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

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