The UCC27611OLEVM-203 aids in the evaluation of high-speed, single channel, low-side driver capable of driving eGANFETs with a regulated 5-V optimized output. The EVM is designed to drive a capacitive load on the output of the UCC27611 device, with connectors provided to offer flexibility to bring the output signal outside the board. The EVM allows user to evaluate the UCC27611 device standalone operation under different VDD bias voltages, capacitive loads, switching frequencies and with either non-inverting or inverting input signals. In summary, the EVM is an extremely useful tool for determining the drive circuit component parameters for the intended end application of UCC27611 the device.
- Open Loop evaluation module of UCC27611 gate driver device
- UCC27611 drives a capacitive load on OUTH/OUTL pins
- Test points, jumper heads, and switches to facilitate evaluation
- All pins of UCC27611 accessible through test points